Chapter 11 - In Labor? (Adelina's POV)

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The boys had gone out to plan Is and Leo's honeymoon. They called it 'a boys night out' so I offered to have a 'girls night in'. Carlos had told Sophia, Amada and I so we all knew what was going on but because of Issy's high hormone levels we decided not to tell her. While expecting a baby in a matter of three weeks is very stressful, but expecting a baby, getting married and planning a honeymoon was maybe a bit too stressful. We decided we were going to have a Charlie's Angels marathon. Halfway through the first movie Issy went to bed, which was surprising because she loves Charlie's Angels.

I S A B E L L A 

We were having a girls night in, so we decided to have a Charlie's Angels Marathon because well they kick arse. Halfway through the first movie I felt tired so I decided to go to bed, and also the numb pain in my back that was really starting to bother me. I thought it was normal to do with a pregnancy. I fell into a restless sleep. The pain became sharper, more intense and quicker. They became excruciating that I let a small scream, muted by the pillow stuffed over my face. I didn't want them to panic but that was before the gush of water. This time I outright screamed.


We looked at each other, there was only one person missing, Issy. We bolted upstairs to find Issy lying in bed, pain written all over her face and the sheets soaked. I knew what was happening, unfortunately Issy did not.
"What the fuck is happening to me?"
Soph pulled out her phone, no doubt to look it up. She opened her mouth to speak.
"Your... "
"Is, your water just broke." I cut her off
All eyes fell on Issy as we watched her face turn a ghostly white.
"FUCK! The baby isn't due for another three weeks."
I sighed. I knew what was happening, no one else did.
"Babies can come early."
I could tell that Issy was freaking out more and more. I had to calm her down or we could lose them both.
"Is, how far apart are your contractions?"
She let out a small whimper of pain and I started counting. I barely made it to twenty when she let out another scream. I turned to the others who were trying not to freak out.
"Amada get some towels and a bucket of water. Soph call the hospital."
"What about me? I'm the one in fucking labour!" Issy shouted
I breathed in and out, trying to stay calm, for all of us.
"Sit there and try to stay calm. Stress isn't good for the baby. I'll be back, Soph watch her"
"Calm down Issy, just breathe." Soph encouraged
"I'm trying but have your not the one about to fucking give birth to another human being!"
I rushed down the hallway and dial Leo's number. I could still hear Issy screaming at Soph. I shook my head, she really needs to calm down.
"Hi this is Leo's phone, sorry I can't come to the phone right now, leave a message after the beep."
I groaned before retrying. I had called him three times before I finally gave up. I dialed his number again, it went to voicemail. I finally lost my temper and left a very offensive message.
"Fucking pick up the phone Leo! Your wife's in fucking labour. If you don't fucking get over here right now, I will make sure you never live to see another fucking day!"
I hung up and sighed. Hopefully he comes otherwise I will kill him. The baby had to choose tonight of all nights. Next time I am not letting any of the boys leave the house while we have a pregnant woman. I pocketed my phone before returning to the room. Amada had also returned with the towels and water, Sophia was trying to calm Issy, and well Issy was freaking out.
"Issy calm down, or you're going to lose the baby."
They all looked at me in shock. I smiled at them before chucking Issy a nightgown, she caught it with a confused look on her face.
"Get changed."
The others looked at me in shock. I could tell I'd surprised them, what can I say, I have many talents.
"How are you so calm?"
"I volunteer at the hospital, I've witnessed birth more than a few times." I replied "Did you guys forget or something?"
They nodded and I paced before looking at Sophia.
"Are they sending anyone?" I asked
She nodded before looking at her phone once more.
"They should be here soon."
I nodded and we all waited anxiously for the hospital workers to arrive, hopefully they would get here soon because I don't know how much longer we can keep her calm.

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