Chapter 5 - Finally Flying (Adelina's POV)

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Roughly two months later and we had finished our tour with the Spanish Ballet Company and now we were all taking a holiday in Greece. We had pooled together money from part time jobs we'd all had throughout our lives, our parents chipped in a bit as well, and we had brought a three month vacation to Greece. We had packed up the apartments, we didn't have to pay for them because they were covered by the Spanish Ballet Company because it was a part of our job. Also the paychecks that we had from that contributed to our flights and everything. We were all really excited and had packed all of our clothes and everything. We took a Maxi Taxi to the airport before waiting at our gate once again. Issy was getting quite a few weird looks considering she was now six months pregnant, we all sat down in a seat before settling into an easy conversation, that's when an idea hit me.
"Issy can we go baby clothes shopping?" I asked "I know you don't know the gender but we could buy gender neutral colours and buy some of different ones. Please."
Amada and Sophia quickly caught on and soon enough all three of us were begging to go baby cloth shopping with Issy. We got a few weird looks but we didn't care because all we cared about in that moment was getting Issy to agree with us. Luckily she caved.
"YES!" Soph, Amada and I all chorused in unison
Issy smiled and shook her head before we all returned to our previous activities. I pulled out my book before starting to read. Roughly an hour later an announcement came over the intercom, I shut my book to listen closely.
"Flight number 8257 departing for Athens Greece is open for boarding." The announcer said "I repeat, Flight 8257 for Athens Greece is open for boarding."
I quickly slipped my book into my bag before flinging it over my shoulder. We all then walked together through the walkway before showing our tickets at the door and taking our seats. I was sitting next to Carlos, so we decided to watch a movie together. We chose one before I leaned my head on his shoulder, it was a little uncomfortable because of the separate seats but I put up with it just to be close to him. I could hear Amada and Issy whispering quietly to each other and I heard the familiar click of an iphone camera. Instantly I knew that Sophia was once again taking photos of us, I'll have to remember to get those photos off of her later. Knowing Sophia thought she's probably already sent them to me and that is why I love her so much, simply because she's always on top of these things.


The flight passed really quickly and soon enough the plane was descending into the Athens airport where we made our stop. We all exited the plane before making our way to baggage claim and once we were there, we collected our baggage before venturing out of the airport and towards where the mini bus was waiting to take us to our holiday house. We were staying in a Villa that had four bedrooms and slept ten people, it had a private beach and was just less than two hours away from the Athens airport. We spent the ride quiet, reading or listening to music, I think Izzy was looking up baby things online. Probably a smart thing for her to be doing considering that her baby was due in only three months or there is the possibility of her looking at wedding things. Her and Leonardo want to get married in Greece so they're thinking of hiring a priest and doing something really simple, she'll hire a simple desk and be done with it and Leo will just use his tux from prom. We arrived at the Villa and we all piled out of the bus. We then thanked the driver before entering the Villa, I found the keys in the position that the person who owned it had told me where I would find them. I then unlocked the door and we all walked in.
"Wow." Amada breathed
I couldn't help but agree with her, despite being so simple in the decoration of the room you couldn't help but admire the beauty of it. I exchanged a glance with Amada as we opened the door to one of the bedrooms and without asking her I knew she had the exact same thought as me.
We didn't wait for any reply before we dumped our bags in the room and then we turned around before watching as the others all smiled knowingly.
"Well then I guess Issy and Soph your sharing." Leo said "I'm with Tony and then Tom and Carlos are together? Sounds like a plan."
We all nodded and the others all dispersed to put their bags in their rooms, luckily there were four rooms which is just enough for us. After that we all gathered in the living room and watched a bit of television and then Amada jumped to her feet.
"Let's go swimming!"
I nodded and together we ran up to our room before searching for our bathing suits. Once we found them we both split up and headed in different directions to change. I pulled on my black and white striped bikini before chucking on my beach dress over top. I then walked out and met Amada out in the hallway, her eyes landed on me and her face broke out into a smile.
"Let's go!"
Without waiting to see if anyone else was ready to go or even coming we simply ran down the stairs before out onto the beach. We were soon joined by Issy and Soph and then later by all the boys so we passed our first day on vacation playing in the ocean.

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