Chapter 1 - Work Hard, Play Harder

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We had just finished a solid rehearsal of act two for our performance of the ballet Giselle, our first with the Spanish Dance Company. I was all sweaty from being under the lights and had just changed out of my costume and into my training gear, I was planning to go for a run before heading back to the apartment that I shared with the girls. I walked out onto the stage to just look out at the seating that we'll be performing in for opening night, suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and a smile appeared on my face.
"What are you doing Carlos?" I asked
"Dance with me?" He asked instead of replying
I smiled before nodding, he intertwined our hands before leading me into the middle of the stage, he pressed play on his phone before putting it down next to his bluetooth speaker. The song A Whole New Word by ZAYN featuring Zhavia Ward came on, I smiled at the song choice, the beginning bars of the song started and Carlos began the dance.
I can show you the world, shining, shimmering, splendid
Well I mean ever since he crashed into my world it has been a lot brighter, he just makes everything better if I'm honest. I'll admit that it does sound a bit cheesy but for me it's the honest truth. He continued dancing before guiding me through some bits, I had a smile on my face as we danced.
A whole new world. A new fantastic point of view
It's definitely a whole new world when you dance for a company, you work longer hours and are expected to train harder longer. Some days by the time we get home we all collapse in a heap, Issy less so simply because they won't let her dance while she's pregnant. For her though I think it's more exhausting doing nothing at all, although they have started to let her help a bit behind stage, but no heavy lifting which drives her completely insane. Don't tell her but it's kind of amusing to watch her yell at some of the other backstage hands.
But when I'm way up here it's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new world with you
I mean I truly am in a whole new world with Carlos, I'm sharing the experience with him and it's amazing, although it seems we never have time for ourselves anymore it's moments like right now that make it all worth it. The song continued and we continued dancing, it got to one of the fastest bits in the song and I decided to move into a bit of a slow kind of hip hop simply because I haven't been able to dance it since we came here. We've all been so caught up in our ballet rehearsals for Giselle that we haven't had time to practice our other styles as well. Of course I'm not complaining about the workload, it's just that it would be good to have a bit more time to really enjoy ourselves and the sights around Madrid.
A thrilling chase, a wondrous place, for you and me
I then reverted back to Ballet and Carlos spun me out before spinning me back in one last time and then dipping me graciously as the last line, we then held that position until the closing bars of the song finished with some instrumental. We stared into each other's eyes, still in that position until we were startled with the sound of clapping, we both scrambled to a standing position to find the director of the company leaning against the entrance to the theatre. I instantly dropped into a curtsy as a sign of my respect and Carlos mirrored my actions before bowing, we both straightened to find the director had a soft smile on her face.
"So you two do hip hop as well as ballet?" She commented
Carlos and I exchanged a glance as we worked out how to reply, I mean we can't exactly lie because if she'd been there the whole time then she would have seen us dance, better go with the truth then.
"Yes Ma'am." I replied "that would be correct."
"Well then, I must say that while it is very enjoyable to watch that you two keep it as a hobby." She advised "It doesn't pay very well."
We both nodded immediately ballet was always our plan, hip hop and street dancing was just a hobby.
"Of course ma'am."
She nodded and smiled before walking out of the theatre, I breathed a sigh of relief, if I'm honest I thought she was gonna kick us out of the company for a second. Suddenly three people trailed out of the wings with cheeky smiles on their faces and their names were Isabelle, Sophia and Amada. I shook my head at them fondly before giving Carlos a hug before sending him off to go find Leo, Antonio and Tom. The others walked towards me, Sophia had her phone in her hand.
"Why do you have your phone Soph?" I asked
She smirked evilly and zipped her lips, miming that she wasn't gonna tell me, I cocked my hip before putting my hand on it, raising an eyebrow in question. Soph only smiled wider and shook her head, however she was then betrayed by Issy.
"She filmed you and Carlos dancing." Issy announced "She was planning to post it on Instagram."
I looked at Sophia, an evil look in my eyes, she swallowed before pocketing her phone quickly, her eyes filling up with fear she turned on her heel and started sprinting. Instantly I followed, sprinting after her, I could hear Amada and Issy laughing in the background, little did they know that they were  next.
Although lot's of things have changed since graduation and leaving Barcelona, I know one thing will always remain the same, the bond I have with my best friends.


So I wasn't planning on posting this until later but here it is, small warning UPDATES WILL NOT BE REGULAR. They will be completely random and I will most likely appear out of nowhere with an update.

I just reread this chapter and holy shuck I cringed the whole way through, I hope you all enjoyed it though

Also if anyone got my reference I will love you forever and until the end of time.


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