"Have you forgotten your archery skills? You dare touch the bow?" Youngjae provoked Sunwoo. 

"At least I won't be going throwing the arrows by hand." Sunwoo retorted. They two pulled the bow and arrow quiver towards themselves. 

Juyeon and Hwall sighed at the tug of war in front of them. 

"Enough! Both of you can't shoot." Juyeon took the quiver away. He turned to Youngjae.

"You can't shoot any moving or living target." He said. Youngjae pouted sadly

He turned to Sunwoo.

"You can't shoot an unmoving target." He said. Sunwoo scowled but didn't retort since he was right anyway.

Juyeon rolled his eyes and turned back to Youngjae who was pouting down at the ground. Juyeon immediately felt bad.

"You can still hit a still target though. That's good." He said. Youngjae still didn't look up. Juyeon turned to Hwall for help who just shrugged. 

"Umm...you are good at combat skills too! Yeah, you know how to use your daggers and spears well. And you know how to dodge and avoid attacks. You look cool when you fight with your powers." Juyeon gushed out. Youngjae slowly lifted his head back up and peered up at Juyeon.

"Really?" He said in a small voice. Behind Juyeon, Hwall and Sunwoo furrowed their brows at Youngjae's voice change and innocent glint in his eyes. 

"Yeah, really." Juyeon said, relieved that Youngjae didn't seem upset anymore. Youngjae smiled down at the ground and tapped his foot shyly. Hwall and Sunwoo's eyes widened at the gesture and gagged. 

"Hwall, let's go look over that area, huh?" Sunwoo said, trying to avoid. Hwall nodded and followed Sunwoo quickly. Juyeon furrowed his brows at the quick decision. He smiled down at Youngjae.

"I guess, it's you and me, then?" Juyeon said. Youngjae nodded shyly. Juyeon walked away, trampling on some plants to make way. Youngjae followed. They walked for a while before coming to a clearing surrounded by bamboo trees.

Juyeon stood in the middle, looking far out in the bamboo forest. He felt Youngjae fidget beside him. Youngjae pricked up his senses as he turned his head around.


"There's someone." Youngjae whispered. Juyeon nodded, readying his bow and arrow. He put it on aim. Then it came. 

The fog started thickening around them. It got denser by the second. The two of them stuck to each other's backs to make sure they didn't lose each other. The two were on high alert.

Then they heard a growl. Juyeon's eyes flickered towards the sound. He immediately went to stand in front of Youngjae when the imoogi emerged from the thick mist. 

The imoogi tilted his head at them. Youngjae scowled at the mocking gesture. He could sense it.

"Juyeon, you should stay behind and back me up." He said, walking towards the imoogi. Juyeon hesitated but agreed that would be best. After all, Youngjae had better advantage than him. 

Youngjae's eyes blazed as he cracked his knuckles. Somehow, he felt adrenaline rushing through his body. Come to think of it, this was the first time Youngjae was fighting alone without his brothers.

 He smirked to himself. He was going to make his brothers proud. (Including Juyeon)

Youngjae walked until he was face to face with the imoogi. He had a smug face as he looked up at the imoogi. Curse his short height. 

The imoogi breathed down Youngjae. The two had a short intense stare down before both of them flung fists, missing each other. Youngjae jumped over the imoogi and kicked him backwards. The imoogi stumbled forwards, whipping around with an angry face. 

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