Lie To Me 2 (Part 6)

Start from the beginning

  "Enough with the questions! It's getting annoying" I was about to wear my earphone but she stopped me.

  "If something happens to our friend, I swear, I'll f word beat your ass" I can clearly sensed her anger. 

  Minutes have passed, Sana is still not here. Her parents are getting worried so the other guards went to find her. I kept looking outside the window also, looking at every faces that afar that I see, hoping that one of them is Sana. Shit, my consciousness is killing me. I need to do something, I have to find her. 

  "I'll just help in looking for Sana, maybe she went to the stall again where I saw her earlier" My emotions led me outside. I told my security to help also. 

  "TZUYU !! YOUR SECURITY GUARDS !!" Mom went outside also shouting at me.


  "OKAY!! JUST BE CAREFUL!!" she looked around the surroundings before going inside, there's no people around, just 3 cars parked.

  Shit there's a lot of people. I tried calling her but she won't pick up. Sana where could you be? Shit. shit. shit. shit. I saw one of our guards.

  "Have you seen her?" I asked.

  "Not yet Miss"

  "Find her, don't stop until she's back safe" I yelled.

  Think Tzuyu, where could she go when she's hurt or upset? Think.


  "I can't take it anymore, I'll help also !!" I said and opened the door. Chaeyoung grabbed my wrist before I could go out.

  "I'll go with you" 

  "Me too" said Momo at the back.

  "Well she owes me a new charger, I'm in too" Jihyo said. They all volunteered. I looked back again because I thought I forgot my phone but it was with Chaeyoung. A new car appeared beside the van but I didn't get a clear view because we are in a hurry. 

  The firework show is about to start in 30 minutes. Sana is kinda scared of the sounds of fireworks. Please, Sana where did you go? 

  "Did you see her yet?" I asked them.

  "Nope, no sign of Sana" Dahyun said and then drank some water.

  "10 minutes left for the firework show to start, we need to find her before it starts" said Jeongyeon.

  "Let's look harder" we split up again.

  Me and Chaeyoung are going too far. There's nothing much here, just a place near where the fireworks are placed. 

  "Sana might not go here, she's easily scared in this kind of surrounding" she said. I know Sana, she can hide here, or maybe Chaeyoung is right. 

  My instinct tells me that she's here and also, Tzuyu. That made me stop and walked around. 

  "Wait a minute.. is that-" 

  "Ssssshhhhh" I covered Chaeyoung's mouth and hid behind the a post. We can hear what they are saying from here.

  "Where is she?" that deep voice.

  "She's behind that sign, sitting and crying, she's scared when she hear the sounds of fireworks so make sure to cover her ears because she also loves to watch firework show" 

  "Okay, thank you Miss Tzuyu-sshi for finding her... Don't worry Sana, Mark is here to save you" he is so full of himself, huh.

  WTF?! Why is she saying that to him ?! She should be the one doing it. 

  "I'll go back to the van and say that you found her"

  "Great, now go and don't ruin our moment, I need her to fall for me" 

  Tzuyu's now walking away. It's a chance to confront to her. 

  "Mi- Mina waittt" The firework show started. 

 Before she could stop me, I already yelled Tzuyu's name.

  "What are you doing here?" she was shocked, she looked behind me.

  "What did you see? What did you hear? What do you know? Tell me" we got her panicked. 

  "You are really a cold hearted human huh? you hurt our friend and here you are acting a bitch?"

  "Mina" said Chaeyoung, nobody can calm me now. If I'm angry, I can saw awful things.

  "Why did you let Mark do the things that you should be doing?! Sana still loves you very much-"

  "Well here's the news for you, she hates me now, so can we just forget everything?" she's so urghhhhhhhh.

  "Why? why? tell me why did you do that? what made you do that? TELL ME!" 

  "This conversation is stupid, let's just go back to the van" she turned around.

  "Yeah, like you"

  "Mina, stop" Chae said.

  "No! You are so stupid Tzuyu, you don't know what Sana had gone through since you left her, you don't know ho-how much you hurt her, how she always cry inside her office until she got immune to the pain that she's bearing... you changed her, the bubbly Sana that we know is gone now and it's all because of you... Sana should not have accepted you in the company in the first place, you don't deserve to be loved" 

  "YAH!" she yelled. 

  "You also do not know what I've gone through before doing that decision, you don't even know if the decision that I made was sincere, you know nothing Mina, nothing... Call me what ever you want, after all of this, I will remain to choose silence for her sake"

  "Go back to the van and tell them that Mark already found Sana... and don't tell anyone about what you saw and heard, tell them that I-I'll go to my apartment instead to rest because I'm already tired, I'm really, really, really tired... I just want a rest from everything" 

  With that, she disappeared the same as the show ended. I cried on Chaeyoung's shoulders afterwards. 

  "What are you guys doing here?" it was Sana. I can't talk straight because I'm crying.

  "Ohh well we were looking for you because we thought we lost you" finally the others saw us.

  "SANA !! THANK GOD ... we thought you were already kidnapped" said Nayeon, catching her breath. They were shocked that Mark is there.

  "Let's go back now" Mark smiled at us. 

  "By the way, where's Tzuyu?" Dahyun asked.

  "Yeah, text her so she can stop worrying" Momo backed her up. 

  "Tzuyu went looking for me?" Sana asked.

  "Yeah, she was the fi-" Mark dragged Sana along before Momo could even finish.

  "They probably are worrying about you, we need to go back" 

  "That was rude?! I was just about to say the first one that went looking for you" she hissed.

  Whatever it is, I'll find out the truth.


Don't know if it's near end or not, still debating with myself 😆

Happy New Yearrrr !!

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