The Sins and Co. During a Christmas Party

Start from the beginning

His favorite sweets are those gummy mint leaves that a lot of people hate for some reason.

All in all, he's going to worry about you more than himself at the party.


He's staying in Liones as well because fairies don't celebrate human holidays.

He just wants to go to see the bright lights, but he's ok with going and celebrating with the others.

He'd probably just stay with you and Drole so that his friend doesn't feel alone, but he can try to get Merlin to do something to shrink him to human size.

His favorite sweets are candy canes because he also loves minty things.

When it comes to gifts, he's going to get you a necklace of some kind or a hair ornament.

All in all, a party with Gloxinia would be chill as well.


He'd have to either get Merlin to shrink him or he'd have to sit and watch you from the edge of town.

He's getting Merlin so that he can celebrate with you.

Drole isn't really one for festivities either, but he'll do them for you if that's what you want.

When it comes to gifts, he'll get you a dress and ask Gloxinia to give it to you because he doesn't want it to get ruined.

He doesn't have a sweet tooth, so he doesn't have any favorite sweets.

All in all, tall bby would try to make sure you were happy at the party.


He'd be really cheerful, making you think he's sick.

It's just been a long time since he's had any festivals of any kind, so he's like a child at this point.

He also sees this as an opportunity to hang out with you and give you stuff that he wins.

As for presents, he's going to give you a teddy bear that he wins at the party, but he's your snuggle partner and don't you forget it either.

He's giving you a blanket, some pyjamas, or a fluffy coat.

All in all very chill with Sariel at the party.


He'd be really self conscious of his other two heads. (My brain broke when my friend asked which head was the prominent thinker lol)

Tarmiel will throw hands with Ludociel himself if he has to just to get you something.

After the games, he pulls you into his lap as the two of you eat because he is touch starved.

Gifts from Tarmiel are also going to be exposing because he doesn't have the experience needed to realize that some people are self conscious, but it's ok because he also gives you the receipt that comes with it.

His favorite candy is chocolate covered pretzels, so he's probably going to eat those on Christmas when he gets the chance.

All in all it's fun to party with Tarmiel.


He thinks that the holiday is too peaceful, so he usually watches from a distance while you have fun.

If you invite him though, he will only say yes to you and Mael's wishes, no one else's.

Ludociel would love it if the two of you just stayed home to be honest.

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