Mael x nephilim reader

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This was requested by @Jc20-5. Can we all take a moment to appreciate how smol Mael looks in the anime please? Anyways, enjoy!

You were a nephilim, a mix between a goddess and a demon. You were an outcast to the demons, who thought of you as 'impure' because you contained the blood of a goddess. However, you were taken in by the goddesses with open arms, much to your surprise. Mael was one of the goddesses that you stuck around most of the time. Over time, you caught feelings for him, and wanted to ask him out. However, whenever you were around the male, you noticed that Ludociel was always watching the two of you as you sat and talked together. When you told Ludociel to stop, he said that he didn't trust you around Mael. You knew then that you would never be accepted by the Flash Grace if you dated his brother. One evening, you decided to tell him, knowing that his brother could be watching.

You walked to your shared meeting place with Mael through the calming night air. You had always been a fan of the night sky, and you were fascinated by the starry sky above. When you got to where you were going to be meeting Mael, you saw that he was there, waiting for you. When he heard your footsteps, he smiled, and turned back to see you in a dress. You had never worn anything even remotely girly in your life, so it surprised him to say the least. You sat beside him as he looked at you, red faced, and complimented your dress. It was a (F/C) ankle length dress, and it suited you perfectly. You looked over to him before speaking. "Mael, Do you mind me telling you something?" you asked, making him look over. He rested his hand on your head. "Of course not, what is it?" he asked. Your cheeks turned pink as you spoke. "I've been friends with you for a while, and I was wondering if you wanted to be something more than just friends." you said, making his eyes go wide. He'd never been in a relationship with anyone in his life, and he knew Ludociel hated you above all else. He embraced you against his chest gently before he tilted up your chin to face him. He then leaned in and kissed you on the lips, causing your (E/C) eyes to go wide as he went back to hugging you. "I've liked you for such a long time, but I didn't know how you felt, with my brother spying on us all the time and such. Not to mention, Sariel and Tarmiel hate you too. I'm so sorry for how they treat you, and I'm sorry for not telling Ludociel to stop spying in on the two of us." he turned back to the bushes when he heard them rustle. "I know it's you, you might as well come out." he said, looking at a particularly large bush. "I was hoping you would be with someone else, brother, yet you choose that girl. Why?" he asked. Mael's older brother stepped into the clearing. "You do know her name is (Y/N), which you should be respecting, Ludociel. She's not just some other girl, and physically, she could beat you in an arm wrestle if she wanted to." he pointed out to the Flash Grace. You smiled, leaning against him. Ludociel sighed before speaking to you. "Mark my words (Y/N), if you hurt Mael, it will be the last thing you do on this earth. Is that understood?" he asked. You turned back and nodded before going back to resting against Mael's sturdy shoulder. He held you against his chest once more as the two of you looked up at the stars, wondering where life would take you next.

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