The Sins and Co. During a Christmas Party

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He'd probably worry about staying with you and keeping you safe tbh.

Howzer would still try to be social, talk with the Sins and other friends.

Soft bby would probably win as much stuff as you wanted him to win just to impress you.

Like, there'd be a shooting game that he played against Gilthunder in and he'd keep challenging him just to win and make you think he's a cool boyfriend.

As for gifts, he'd get you a nice jacket or a new dress like Gil.

His favorite sweets are small bundt cakes and usually vanilla.

All in all, Christmas would be fun with Howzer.


He's not one for festivities, so he'll have to be dragged into them.

If you see a game you want a prize from, he'll wait until someone wins the prize and steal it from them.

He'd probably stay at the tavern with Meliodas or with Melascula and Galand as they watch you have your fun at the party.

If you try to hurt his ego he'll do anything to keep his pride from shattering.

Like if you say he can't beat Zeldris in a game, he'll cheat just to win so that you praise him for it later on.

He absolutely loves candy canes and you can say what you want but that is a fact.

When it comes to gifts, he's going to get you a dress that has a short skirt and shows a lot of skin because he's also a pervert.

All in all, he'd be pretty chill unless you provoke him at the party.


He'd wrap you in his cape if you got cold because he is a gentleman.

If you want a prize and can't win it, he'll help you win it or even win it for you. Even if it means cheating, you're getting that toy or candy.

If you want something he'll go to Hell and back to get it for you.

His favorite sweets are caramel chocolates and hot chocolate.

If he gets you a present, it's going to be a nice jacket or a dress with a short skirt.

All in all, Monspeet is also pretty chill at parties.


He is a gentleman, so he'll take your coat if you need him to.

If there's something you want, he's going to ask one of the Sins to help you because he literally can barely hold a pen he's so weak. (No hate tho I love Escanor very much)

If you challenge him, he's going to think he's weak, so please don't do that.

His favorite sweets are peppermint bark chocolate squares.

If it's snowing, he'll draw a picture for you of the snow covered hills and give it to you as a present.

Either the drawing is his present or he gives you a necklace and maybe some white roses as well.


He'd let you join him when he goes to Liones because all the fun stuff happens and has happened in Liones.

He'd gladly fight Meliodas if it means that he gets your attention even though that'd be useless because Meliodas would probably beat him unless he used Chaos.

He'd be pretty invested in how you are with parties, so he's going to stay with you almost the entire time.

As for gifts, he's getting you an outfit that's like the tavern because Meliodas gave him his advice. Arthur now knows not to go to Meliodas when it comes to advice.

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