Chapter twenty five ~ Evie + Max

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Luckily Nova didn't tell the group about Evie's confession, only that she suddenly remembered more, and Evie's description of the basement was enough for Oscar to find on the Renegades database, it was an old toy factory that was near the coast, everyone was to drive there, it would take them the night to travel the city. Evie bit her lip and prayed that the Malefactor hadn't found out about her confession. Evie was stuck in the car with Adrain and Nova, with Nova driving because she was the least likely to fall asleep at the wheel, Evie stared at the traffic and hoped that the Malefactor hadn't found out about their plan, Adrain stopped the radio and sighed loudly "Right, so you're obviously lying about that suddenly remembering thing so what's the real story" Evie looked up with wide eyes and Nova didn't even flinch "You can trust him, he's my fiancé" Evie sighed and she leant her head against the cool glass "Can you tell it? I'm tired" Nova nodded and Evie heard her explaining to Adrain but she drowned it out, drifting off into a fitful sleep.


Max lay on the metal and stared at the ceiling, his powers were back, his friends and family were on his way to save him, and the Malefactor knew, they didn't know, he would have to go back in the quarantine. He had no way of warning them... unless. He closed his eyes and imagined Evie, god, he hoped it was nighttime, he suddenly saw her, she was asleep in the back of a car, he saw Nova driving and Adrain in shotgun, a ring glittered on Nova's wedding finger and Max was caught off-guard, but no time to admire Adrian's choice in engagement rings, try to try see if Illusion's power could work long-distance, he focused on Evie and a bright flash filled his vision, he opened his eyes and there she was, standing in the middle of a black void, Max ran to her and grabbed her, when he grabbed her suddenly the black void turned into the basement, Evie looked at him in surprise and opened her mouth to say something but closed it 'It's not real' Evie's voice said but her mouth didn't move. Max looked at Evie who kicked at the floor, Max tried to talk and assure her that he was there but nothing came out of his mouth. So he did what first came to his mind, he grabbed Evie and kissed her, as soon as their lips touched she evaporated. Max opened his eyes with a gasp and he looked around frantically, he was still in his cube and Evie was nowhere to be seen, god he hoped that she had got the message somehow.


Evie opened her eyes and yawned, sitting back and stretching out, it was early morning, the sun tinted the sky with a pastel pink, Evie smiled slightly thinking how much Max would like the sunrise, and then she remembered the dream she was having before she woke up. Not unlike her normal dreams Max was in it, but this time it was bizarre, he looked like he was trying to talk to her, and he just kissed her, it felt so real, and urgent, it was like he was trying to tell her something through the kiss but Evie couldn't figure out what. She looked up at the distance and spotted a factory in the distance "That's it" Nova said, Adrain raised his head and stretched his arms above his head "Cool, I'll tell the team to get ready" he muttered into his wristband and Evie tried to prepare herself for Battle, and some part of her hoped that the reunion with Max would be something like her dream.

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