Chapter twenty ~ Max

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Max interlaced his fingers with Evie's and he smiled down at her "Hey, we can do this" he squeezed her hand and she smiled nervously "I apologise if my hand is sweaty I sweat when I'm nervous" Max laughed and he opened the door "Hey Dad?" He called out and both of his fathers answered "Yeah?" He closed the door behind him, glancing out the window to where he could just see Ruby, Jade and Sterling waiting on the opposite roof. He tore his eyes away and called out "Where are you? I need to tell you something" Evie held onto his arm tightly and he squeezed her hand in reassurance "In the kitchen" Max let go of Evie's hand, turning back towards her to see if she was okay, she gave him a small smile and a thumbs up and he walked into the kitchen, popping his head around the door to see his dads preparing dinner "Hey so we might have an extra guest for dinner tonight" both of his dads looked up and through his earpiece Max could hear Adrain ordering Danna and Ciss around the office, he drowned the noise out and leant against the doorway. "Who?" Hugh asked, looking up from the carrots he was chopping and at his son, Max blanked and he blinked at him "Who what?" without warning a large thump came from upstairs, he heard Adrain asking what happened but Max ignored it "What was that?" Simon asked, going to check upstairs, Max moved in front of him "I'm sure it was nothing I-" he was interrupted by Evie appearing at his side, rubbing her hip "Sorry, I bumped into the table" she looked at Max "I know I was supposed to hide until you told them... sorry" Simon and Hugh looked at her confused and he heard Danna whisper "We're okay, good job Evie" Max breathed a sigh of relief and looked at his dads. "Tell us what Max?" Hugh asked, raising an eyebrow, Max looked back at Evie and took her hand "That my girlfriend would be joining us for dinner tonight, Evie" he smiled at her and she smiled back, intertwining their fingers and giving him a look that made his heart melt, he looked away and at his dads who grinned, shocking Max, and then, Simon pulled Max into a hug, shocking him even more. Max pulled back and laughed "So you're okay with it?" He felt relief in his chest, he didn't know why, why wouldn't they be happy for him? "Why wouldn't we be okay with it?" Hugh said, voicing his thoughts and putting an arm around Evie's shoulder "Now we have to cook for two Artino's" he winked and Evie laughed. Simon patted Max's shoulder "This causes for a celebration, I'll go get the champagne from our office" Max's eyes widened and he heard Danna scream through the earpiece "WE CAN'T GET OUT, DELAY BANDIT DELAY" Max pulled away from Evie and put his hand on his fathers chest, causing him to look down in concern "What is it Max?" He asked, Max searched his mind when Evie quickly joined his side "I don't think Nova's gonna be an Artino much longer" he heard Adrain curse through the earpiece, Simon and Hugh looked at Evie confused "What do you mean?" Evie bit her lip and walked back into the kitchen, leading Simon back inside "Well... Nova thinks that Adrain is going to propose" Max stared at her wide eyed, she must be lying, surely Adrain would of told him "He's going to WHAT?" He said before he could stop himself, Evie looked at him and cringed "I couldn't sleep and she told me that... that she found a ring box under his mattress" Max looked up and inwardly cursed, the key word, he heard Adrain order Oscar to start dissipating smoke and he did not disappoint, suddenly smoke started pouring through the open windows and air vents "WHAT THE HECK" Hugh shouted, Max started coughing from the smoke filling his lungs, Evie grabbed him and slid under the table with him, she bundled the tablecloth in her hand, putting it over his mouth before doing the same for herself, Max's eyes watered and his injuries stung, couldn't Oscar tone it down a bit? He held on tight to Evie and he heard Nova speak through the earpiece "The files are at my apartment" he then heard Danna "We got out" Adrain sighed with relief and ordered Ruby and the twins off the neighbouring roof "Okay Smokescreen, back it up" the smoke started disappearing and once it had all gone he and Evie slid out from under the table, Simon had turned invisible and Hugh was still coughing, Adrain walked up from his basement bedroom coughing, his eyes streaming "Sorry, we were trying to see if Oscar could make smoke bombs for the fight against the Malefactor" Simon became visible and helped Max off the floor "At least you know they work but next time. At least warn us, or better" he helped Evie up "Don't try it in the house at all" Adrain smirked and winked at Max, before looking at his fathers "Of course chief"

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