Chapter ten ~ Max

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Max awoke to a loud pounding at the door, he groaned and slowly opened his eyes 3am?? Why would someone be knocking at the door at 3am, he heard one of his dads turn on the light and go downstairs and see who it was, he heard mumbled voices and he groaned, covering his head with the blanket and trying to get back to sleep, still feeling the effects of the pain meds. He heard the door close and two people go upstairs, maybe it was Nova? But she had a key, she wouldn't go upstairs either, she would go straight to Adrian's room on the basement, he heard his door creak open and his light turned on, he popped his head out from under the covered and squinted at the light, standing in his doorway was his dad and Magpie, his dad dressed in silk pyjamas with his initials sewed on which just SCREAMED rich and Magpie, she was soaked and dripping onto his floor, Max frowned and he propped himself up "Is everything okay?" His voice was groggy as deeper than usual, he saw Magpie sharply inhale and Simon put a hand on her shoulder "I'll get you some warm clothes" he walked out and Magpie stood in the doorway, her arms wrapped around herself, she was shivering, she wouldn't meet Max's eyes, he frowned and sat up, throwing his legs over the edge of the bed and standing up, ignoring the pulling of his stitches "Maggie?" He walked up to her and tilted her chin up, he saw that tears welled in her eyes and she had a cut under her eye "Are you okay?" She shook her head and collapsed into him, he caught her and she sobbed into his chest, his dad came back with one of Max's hoodies and spare pyjama pants "When your ready the clothes are here" he put them on Max's dresser and Magpie pulled away from the hug and sniffed "Thank you, I'm sorry for this" Simon shook his head "It's okay, if you need anything we're just down the hall" he met Max's eyes before closing the door behind him, Magpie sniffed and she picked up the clothes, "Uh, where's the bathroom?" She sniffed, clearly trying to get back to her normal defensive manner "Oh I have an en-suit" she smirked "Of course you do" she shivered and Max smiled slightly "Perks of being the son of two of the original Renegades" he shrugged and Magpie smiled, his heart fluttered at her smile, it was weak but at least it was there, she walked into his bathroom, carrying the clothes with her and Max sighed, sitting on his bed and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he looked at the closed door and wondered what brought Magpie here, and at such a weird time as well. He sighed and dragged a blanket from under the bed and took a pillow, putting it on the hard wooden floor and laying there, he put his arms behind his head and his mind wondered as he listened to the shower running. What made Magpie come here? Was it her home life? Now that he thought of it, he didn't really know much about her home life, all he knew that like him, she was abandoned by her family, Hugh told him that much, but where did she live? What made her leave? He felt his eyes slipping closed as the door opened, he forced them open and Magpie entered the room, his hoodie absolutely swamped her but she looked adorable, something that he didn't often associate with Magpie, she pulled the sleeves over her hands and looked at him on the floor "Why are you in the floor?" He smirked "Well I fell off my bed and decided to stay here" he joked and she raised an eyebrow, tucking her damp hair behind an ear "Nah I thought you could have the bed" her eyes widened and she looked at the massive bed "Oh yeah right, uh, isn't the floor uncomfortable?" She climbed under the covers and shuffled so she could look at him, leaning her head on the pillow,pulling the hood of the hoodie up over her head. Max smirked "Don't worry about me, I'll survive" Magpie smiled slightly and rolled onto her back "My Prince" she said sarcastically and pulled the covers up to her chin, Max's eyes started to slide closed again and he let them, he heard Magpie go and turn the light off and then climb back into the bed "Max?" She asked, he mumbled a response "Mhm?" Too sleepy to actually form words, Magpie's hand brushed his face and his eyes opened, her arm dangled from the bed and she was looking down at him "There's enough room for an elephant in this bed, come on up" he looked at her and sat up, leaving the blanket and pillow on the floor and climbing into the over side of the bed, she was right, it was massive. She turned towards him and he did the same, leaning his cheek on his hand "Thank you" she whispered and he met her eyes "Of course" he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear before letting his eyes close again, the pull of sleep more strong than his desire to answer all of his questions.

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