Chapter two ~ Max

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"There's been an increase in activity around the west area, we think it might be the Malefactors" Max heard his dad inhale sharply "The people who have shown an interest in Max?" He heard the shuffling of paper and a small sigh "Yeah, exactly them" Hugh answered, Max could almost see him through the closed door he was pressed against, listening in while his family talked about him, thinking he was fast asleep upstairs "Adrian you realise you mustn't tell Max, we can't have him putting himself in danger" Max heard his brother protest before Simon started speaking again "Adrian think about it, he's going to want to try and stop these people, and their as dangerous as the Anarchists were, perhaps even more" Max stepped back from the door, stronger than the Anarchists?? Their leader, Ace Anarchy had almost killed the invincible Hugh Everhart and almost destroyed Gatlon City if it hadn't been for Max, Nova and Adrian, and now there was a group stronger than him?? Max hurried up the stairs, avoiding all the squeaky floorboards, he had heard enough, he slid on the wooden floor and stubbed his toe on his doorway, he cursed and quickly closed is door, jumping into his bed and pulling his blanket over him just as an invisible hand opened the door. Max shut his eyes tight and tried to slow his breathing, he heard his father close the door and pad down the stairs and mutter "It was nothing, must of been the pipes". Max sighed with relief and rolled onto his back, so that's why there was an increase in prodigies, that's why he had to be either with Adrian, or someone from his team at all times. Someone was out to get him.


Max stared up at the place where his glass quarantine once stood, the glass city that he and Adrian made was completely destroyed when Nightmare, no, Nova infiltrated the building to get her hand on Agent-N, a neutralising agent made from studying Max's own DNA, and then suddenly someone walked into him, he took a step back and examined the girl on the floor, Magpie, she adjusted her glasses and blew her black hair from her face, Max was struck with how similar she looked to Nova, his brothers' girlfriend, they had the same sharp nose, and sharp jawline, both having electric blue eyes, he held his hand out towards the girl to help her up, almost stopping himself before he told his thoughts to piss off, you're not the bandit, you're not going to hurt her he told himself as the girl took his hand and brushed herself off, she was cute, like most of the girls at the headquarters she was athletic looking and tall, her olive skin bared scars that almost every superhero had, each one telling a story. He met her eyes again, she seemed to be taking him in "Magpie right?" She seemed to be surprised that he knew who she was, but he supposed that being the son of two of the most important people in Gatlon and the brother of someone who helped save the city, it would be stereotyped that he wouldn't care about other people, he was about to break the silence when his brother butted in, as soon as Adrian walked over Max tuned everything out, his mind wandered towards the conversation that he had overheard last night, if someone, or several someones stronger than Ace Anarchy existed, why aren't the Renegades trying to stop them, wasn't that what they did? Fight crime and help the occasional prodigy out with finding their job. More importantly, why were they interested in him? Yes he was the only non-prodigy in Gatlon, perhaps the world, he had given everyone powers, instead of keeping them for himself. In some people's eyes that made him a hero, but in his opinion it was something that had to be done, no one would be that selfish... right? He nodded to himself and then realised that Magpie had said something, supposedly surprising from the way Adrain was looking at her, and then she was punching his arm, he panicked and flinched back before even thinking, he knew both of them had noticed but he pretended not to of realised, then Adrain was agreeing to something and leading him away, talking to him in a low voice as they walked, he could feel Magpie's eyes on his back, he knew she already had figured more about him than anyone ever had. She would surely, be the end of everything he knew.

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