Chapter fourteen ~ Max

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"Hey, wake up" Magpie's voice whispered in his ear and he slowly opened his eyes, looking up at her, she smiled at him, her short hair falling in curtains as she leaned over him "Timeisit?" His words all slurred into one and he rubbed his face "Time to get up you lazy butt" Magpie grinned and she tapped his nose, Max opened his eyes again and looked at her "You okay now?" She grinned and offered him a hand "Better than ever" he grinned and took her hand, she pulled him out of the bed and lead him into what looked like a basement of some sort "Where are we?" He asked her and she looked back and smirked, her face morphed into Ace Anarchy "I have you now Max Everhart" he grinned and Max jumped awake, his heart beating rapidly in his chest "You okay?" Max looked at Magpie who looked at him concerned "I'm fine" he lied and rubbed the sweat off his face "Nightmares?" She asked, turning onto her side to look at him, he met her eyes and nodded and she gave him a sympathetic smile and moved his hair from his eyes "Don't worry, I get them too" she moved closer to him and his hand instantly went to her waist, she smiled and tilted her head to the side, pressing her lips against his, Max's eyes slammed shut and he kissed her back, pulling her closer.
"Dude wake up" Max opened his eyes to see Sterling standing over him "Finally, you having a nice dream?" He blushed and leaned on his elbows, looking around but Magpie was nowhere to be seen "Where's-" Sterling cut him off, stepping back and throwing a shirt at Max "She's with Nova, and that's not the weirdest part. They're getting along" Max looked up in surprise and Sterling nodded "See for yourself" Max jumped out of bed and went into the main bit of Ruby's apartment, Magpie looked up from the sofa where she sat with Nova and smiled "Morning Max" Max looked at Nova and Magpie in shock and then looked at Adrian who laughed "That was my reaction too buddy" he patted Max's shoulder and Magpie stood up and walked over to him, she took his hand and squeezed it "Thank you for always being there" she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek and before she could even react she and Nova walked out of the apartment, Max watched her leave and Adrain stood next to him "You better close that mouth of yours or you'll catch a fly" Jade laughed and Max's cheeks burned and he shook his head "Shut up" he mumbled and he touched his cheek, smiling slightly to himself as he remembered his dream.


After a lot of begging and apologising from him and Adrian his fathers finally let him go to Nova's apartment where Magpie, no, Evie was now staying, he pulled on his coat and walked with Adrian since her apartment was only a few blocks away from the Everhart residence, Adrain and him walked in silence until Adrian grabbed his arms and stoked, Max looked at her brother confused "What is it?" Adrian put a finger to his mouth and grabbed his black sharpie from his pocket, Max looked around but he couldn't see why Adrain was on such high alert "Adrian what are you-" Suddenly someone grabbed him from behind, Max gasped and his training kicked in, he grabbed the attacker and hauled them over him, feeling a sharp sting on his side but ignoring it, ducking and rolling before getting onto his feet quickly and steadily, Adrain already had a knife that looked like it had been made out of the sidewalk at the attackers neck, the attacker held up scarred hands and Adrian frowned "Leroy?" The man coughed and Max raised an eyebrow "You know this guy?" Adrian nodded and he looked back at the man "Leroy why are you attacking Max?" The man, Leroy, glanced at Max "The Malefactor sends his wishes" and then his eyes rolled up into his head and he passed out, Adrain frowned and he threw the knife down onto the ground where it disappeared "Well that was strange" Max nodded and he rubbed his side, Adrain narrowed his eyes "You okay?" Max nodded, "Just a graze" he lifted his shirt and saw a thin line of blood just above the waistband of his jeans "Nothing-" the wound started letting out greenish gas and Max gulped, his eyes rolling back and he collapsed to the ground, the last thing he heard before the darkness taking over was Adrain screaming his name.

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