Chapter one ~ Evie

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Magpie looked up at the massive Renegades skyscraper and rolled her eyes, unzipping her hoodie and exposing her silver and red uniform, who was she kidding two years ago, of course the world still needed superheroes , maybe they relied on them less since everyone was a prodigy now, but the Renegades still went on, she liked to think of them as some kind of police, fighting crime and putting bad guys in jail. She walked through the revolving doors and was hit with a flurry of sound, everywhere people in the same body-suits walked around, talking and laughing about inside jokes that she'll never understand, she signed herself in, smiling at the receptionist she had seen everyday since she could remember, god, she should really ask her name someday. She handed the pen back and turned and walked straight into a hard chest, she fell backwards and cursed, straightening her glasses and squinting up at the figure shit she thought, she was looking right up at Max Everheart, the only non-prodigy in Galton City, perhaps the world, she looked up into his eyes and he offered her a hand, she gingerly took it and stood up, stumbling backwards slightly "Are you okay?" She looked up and it was like Monarch was in her stomach, he had grown considerably since the last parade, his curly sandy blonde hair fell into his eyes, a sharp jawline and he was quite long and lanky, with slight muscles from having to train twice has hard due to him having no powers. Max blinked at her "Magpie right?" Magpie snapped out of her daze what the heck, she never acted like that, never even thought like that yes he was cute but- "Max!! Come on you're gonna miss training" She looked over Max's shoulder to spot Adrian Everhart waving at Max, the twenty-two year old prodigy was even taller than his adoptive brother, with dark brown skin and glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose, he walked over when Max uttered no reply, he threw an arm over Max's shoulder and looked at Magpie "Oh hey Maggie" he smiled at her and she managed a small smile back before Adrian looked at Max "You know dad won't let you go on patrol with me and the team unless you train" Max rolled his eyes and ducked from under Adrain's arm "I'm getting to it". Maggie looked at Adrain and then Max patrol? Something must be going on , she looked around closely and saw that people's expressions were worried, their eyes kept dancing to Max, she looked up and saw Max and Adrain's dad's, Hugh Everhart and Simon Westwood watching the scene below, strangely overprotective, even for worried parents, she looked back at Adrian and noticed him looking at Max with concern in his eyes. She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest "Okay, what's going on?" Adrian blinked at her and then laughed "Dam Maggie, you're almost as observant as Nova" Magpie scowled, Nova Artino, formally known as Nightmare, Magpie absolutely despised the girl, and it didn't help that she was being compared to her 24/7 due to their similar skills and looks, one of her patrol members had even called her Nova 2.0, earning them a punch in the face and a trip to the prodigy healers, getting her kicked off the team. Not her best decision, she snapped out of her thoughts when she realised that Adrian was talking, some long winded explanation that it seemed that Max wasn't paying attention to either, Magpie studied his face, he was staring off into the distance, watching prodigies talking to advisors to find the best jobs that suit their superpowers, he was biting his bottom lip slightly, Magpie noticed that he had dark rings under his eyes, he was obviously not getting enough sleep. Eventually Adrian stopped talking and looked at Max and Magpie "Neither of you believe me do you" Max shook his head and Magpie shrugged "I wasn't even listening" she shrugged her backpack onto her shoulder "So can I come or not?" That earned perplexed looks from both boys, Magpie sighed and adjusted her stance, trying to make herself look stronger "Come onnnn, clean up duty is so boring, I wanna be part of the big leagues" she lightly punched Max in the arm who jumped at the touch, obviously still not used to human touch from the ten years he spent in a glass quarantine. Adrian watched his brother before looking at Magpie and sighing "There's no harm in an extra pair of hands, be at the training centre in ten" he put his hand on the small of Max's back and lead him away, both had their heads down and were talking in low voices.

Heyyyyyyyyyyy Renegays
Welcome to the chaotic fanfic that I will probably never finish
Yours truly~ Gay trash

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