Chapter nineteen ~ Evie

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Evie didn't even have to open her eyes to know that she was back in the Malefactors basement, she sighed and sat back in the chair, opening her eyes and looking straight at the kids mask that the Malefactor wore "What do you want" he laughed and Jackknife held a knife in front of her face "Sharp tongue you have there, would be a shame to cut it out" Evie bit the air near her hand and she drew it away quickly "Now now girls, you both play a big part in this plan so we don't want any squabbling okay?" Evie could sense that under the mask he was smirking, the smugness of his voice made her blood boil "And congratulations on your performance by the way, now he and his family and friends trust you" Evie frowned and she spat at the Malefactor, Jackknife made to make a move towards her but he held a gloved hand up "It's not an act, I love him and I won't let you hurt him" Evie spat and the Malefactor laughed, he put a gloved hand on the back of her chair, leaning close to her face "I'm afraid you don't have a choice dear". Evie gasped and opened her eyes her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room and landed on Max, she breathed a sigh of relief and pulled his arm back around her, he adjusted himself and pulled her back to his chest, his grip tight on her, she smiled to herself and tried to get comfortable, everyone had spread out around Nova's small apartment, her, Nova, Adrain and Max were all stuck on the hard floor in the hallway, she was about to close her eyes when she noticed that Nova was also awake, not a surprise considering part of her power was that she was able to go without sleep without her body shutting down but ever since the Supernova, Evie thought she was getting better. Nova realised she was awake and smiled slightly "Can't sleep?" She whispered and Evie shook her head "Me neither... the Everhart boys on the other hand-" Evie giggled and she put a hand over her mouth to quieten the noise and Nova smiled "So are you okay? Why did you run out like that" Evie sighed, she knew it was only a matter of time before her sister asked what happened, and she knew that her response had to be careful, since Nova had once been in her place, "Oh I just- it's just everything happens at once, Max and I, finding out that my sister didn't abandon me and that you're her.... the Malefactor..." Nova nodded and sighed "Yeah it can be overwhelming" Evie nodded and she held back a sigh of relief, she bought it , Nova Artino, Nightmare, Insomnia, believed her lies. She ran her fingers up and down Max's arm, joining his freckles when Nova started speaking again "So you and Max are dating huh?" She blushed and nodded "Yeah... it's all kinda knew to me so it's slightly scary. Nova nodded "Yeah my relationship with Adrain- it was my first. Now look at us... I found a ring box under his mattress" Evie gasped and she smacked a hand over her mouth before she could wake the boys, luckily, they stayed asleep, Nova laughed quietly "Yeah I know... I don't wanna make any assumptions but-" Evie quietly squealed and Nova chuckled "He is totally gonna ask you to marry him!" Nova joined Evie's quiet squealing and Adrian lifted his head and they both stopped instantly "You girls sound like bloody piglets" he put his head back down again and both Nova and Evie burst into quiet laughter. In this moment Evie forgot all about the Malefactor and how she would eventually have to betray Max. In this moment, she was truly happy.


After everyone was ready Adrain went over the plan one more time "Okay so Max, Evie you're gonna distract Hugh and Simon with your dating news and any other stuff you can think of, just remember, delay, delay, delay" Evie caught Max's eye and he smiled at her. "Ciss, Danna, you are going into the office, Ciss via the mirror on the wall and Danna via the window that Ciss will open. Jade, Sterling and Ruby, you will be on the roof of the house next door ready to take the stuff from Danna and Cis, then Jade, you will pass it down to Nova, who will be waiting in the car. Remember to keep your earpieces in, Max keyword?" Max looked up from the blueprints that were spread across the table "Ring" at that Nova blushed and Evie winked at her, Adrain didn't notice and carried on talking "Okay, when Max says that word, that calls for Oscar to flood the place with smoke, but that is only if there is an emergency and Danna and Cis can't get out of the office for any reason. Any questions?" He looked around the room and everyone shook their heads "Right, operation, Sketch and Bandit's team is go" Max looked up surprised and Adrain rolled up the blueprints and met his brothers eyes "You like the name?" Max smiled slightly "Wouldn't want anything else" Adrain smiled and everyone out their hands in the middle "3,2,1 Operation Sketch + Bandit is go!" Everyone said simultaneously, Evie looked around at everyone grinning, her heart pounding with a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

Bandit (Max x Evie - What happened after Supernova)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang