Chapter twelve ~ Max

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Max grabbed his brothers wrists "Stop I'm up" Adrian stopped shaking him and raised an eyebrow "About time, you look like shit" Max rolled his eyes and sat up, running a hand through his curly hair "Thank you dearest brother" he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stretched his arms out, cringing when his stitches pulled "I'll be down in five" Adrian leaned against the doorway and crossed his arms "Did Magpie sleep on the floor?" He nodded towards the blanket and pillow that Max had left on the floor, Max blushed and nodded "Yeah why?" Adrian raised an eyebrow "Dam Max, I thought you had more charm than that" and with that he left. Max rolled his eyes and pulled off his pyjamas, slowly pulling the adhesive bandage off his skin, he cringed and looked at the stitches in the mirror, of course the prodigy doctors could of easily mended the wound without stitches but he didn't mind, he felt like the pain was karma for not listening to his brother. After showering and changing into an oversized hoodie and jeans he went downstairs, his damp hair falling into his eyes. The room was deadly silent as he walked in, Nova and Magpie were glaring at each other over cups of coffee and his dads were awkwardly buttering toast, "That was longer than five minutes" Adrian remarked, making Magpie blink and look at Max, he met her eyes and a small blush showed on her cheeks, he wasn't sure why, maybe she was embarrassed by how vulnerable she appeared last night? Max grabbed a cup from the shelf and made himself some coffee "You try dressing a wound that's on your own body" he slid onto the stool next to Magpie and cradled his cup in his hands. "You could of asked for help" Adrian muttered, glancing at Nova who had resumed her staring contest with Magpie. "You know I don't do that" Max sipped his coffee and cringed, he hated the bitterness of it but it was the only thing that kept him awake most of the time, especially now when the anaesthesia was still wearing off. "The hostility in this room is sharp enough to dig to hell" Max muttered under his breath and he saw Magpie smile slightly, "Well yes it's not the finest meal, but it is a needed one" Hugh said as he sat down, putting a piece of toast on his plate. Nova followed suit "Well personally I think the company could be better" Magpie scrunched up her face in a way that was probably not meant to be adorable but Max found it adorable anyway and grabbed a slice of toast "I agree" she glared back and Nova and Simon cleared his throat "Now I know you two don't get along-" Nova scoffed, interrupting him "Obviously" both girls said in unison which lead them to glare at each other even more "But" Simon continued "You might be more similar than you think" Max looked up from his coffee what the hell was he talking about Nova frowned "What the hell are you talking about Si?" Max inhaled his coffee sharply and choked, Nova had said exactly what she was thinking, Simon regarded his son before continuing "Nova, Magpie... we think you might be sisters" Nova stood up and slammed a knife into the table "What!!" Magpie looked equally as shocked but at least she didn't brandish a butter knife. Hugh held up his hands "Calm down Nova" Nova sat down back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest "We are not one hundred percent sure... but we think Magpie might be Evie" Nova scoffed and Adrian shook his head "Not this again father" Max looked at Magpie who stared at the table, her eyes wide, he frowned and turned fully towards her and put a hand on her knee, she looked up at him and he noticed she had tears in her eyes, Max's head filled with rage and he looked at Hugh "Stop it" Hugh and Simon both gave him a cold glare, cold enough to make his rage grow "We would have to do some DNA tests of course-" That was when Nova started crying and Adrain looked at his dads with hatred that reflected what Max was feeling inside "They're NOT your experiments. How fucking dare you bring up Evie, knowing that the anniversary of her death was yesterday" Adrian stood up and grabbed Nova's hand "We're leaving" Hugh shook his head "Don't do this Adrian" Max stood up as well and Magpie followed suit, he took her hand and squeezed it tightly "I thought you guys had changed" he slammed his renegades wristband on the table so they couldn't track him and stormed out, quickly pulling on his shoes and picking up Magpie as hers were ruined, grabbing a coat and leaving, watching Adrian and Nova jump in his car and leave. Max carried Magpie all the way to Ruby's house, he wrapped the coat around her and she buried her face in his shoulder, her arms wrapped around his neck. He walked up the stairs and text Sterling, as soon as it sent Ruby opened the door and looked at Max and then at Magpie "Nova and Adrian are also here-" she started to say and Sterling ran up to the door "They can come into our room" Max put Magpie down and took her hand, he squeezed it and lead her through the house, nodding at his brother who was sat on the sofa comforting Nova, he walked into Jade and Sterling and Ruby's room and Magpie sat on the bed. "I'll make some tea" Ruby's mum announced and dragged Jade and Sterling out with her, Max crouched in front of Magpie and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear "Maggie?" He took her hand, she was as cold as ice "You're okay, your gonna be okay" he sat next to her and opened his arms, she looked up at him and started sobbing, falling into his arms, he held her tightly and stroked her hair, silently cursing his fathers for doing this.

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