Chapter six ~ Evie

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Evie opened her eyes and frowned, this wasn't the orphanage, she looked around and saw Nova and Adrain sat in front of the window, their silhouettes lit up by the rising sun bloody hell it's early she thought and she rolled over, right into Max shit, sometime in the night he must of rolled onto his side, right up close to her, she could feel his breath on her face, blimey heck he was close, she inched away from him, cursing when her head hit the wall, Adrian lifted his head from Nova's shoulder and looked back at her and smiled "Morning Magpie" she sat up and grabbed her glasses, slowly standing up and stepping over everyone to get to the window, "See anything?" Nova shook her head "Almost like a dead end" she sighed and put the binoculars down "We're never gonna catch them" She put her head in her hands and Adrian wrapped his arms around her "Hey, it's only one patrol, not all of them go great" she smiled at him and Magpie looked away, ugh gross, why did they have to be so lovey dovey? She picked up Nova's binoculars and looked through them, adjusting them slightly and frowning, there was definitely something in the top window "Uh, I think I see something" Adrian stood up "Where?" Magpie gave him the binoculars and he looked through them "Top left window" Adrian nodded "Someone's in there" he looked back at the group before handing the binoculars to Nova, he grabbed a marker and drew on the wall, Magpie peaked over his shoulder to try and see what he was drawing, suddenly he was pulling a claxon out of the wall, realising what he was going to do Magpie put her hands over his ears and he pressed the claxon, everyone sat up quickly and looked at Adrain "Honestly fuck off" Max said as soon as he saw what Adrian was holding, before lying back down, Magpie burst out laughing and Adrian shook his head "I'm so telling dad you swore at me" Max flipped him off and Nova rolled her eyes "There's someone in the building" that got him up, he jumped up to his feet and along with everyone they ran to the window, Magpie moved out the way before she could get crushed "What do we do?" Jade asked, looking at his sister who looked at Adrian "We go inside and check it out of course" everyone looked at each other, sharping looks. Magpie caught Max's eye and he grinned at her, she couldn't help herself from grinning back. Finally, some actual action.


Once everyone knew the plan and had brushed their teeth (morning breath can kill more than Ruby's grappling hook), Magpie and Max had been assigned as the distraction, since they were probably less likely to be recognised, unfortunately Adrian had came up with the idea that they pretend to be a new couple, ugh, she held Max's hand as they walked into the shop "Your hand is sweaty" she muttered to him and he shook his head "We're supposed to be in love" he glanced at her and her heart skipped a beat, Jesus those hazel eyes caught her off guard too often for her own liking, they glanced around the room, Max put his wrist up to his mouth "No one here, permission to proceed?" Adrian's voice came out of the band "Permission not granted, we're on the roof. Stay there" Max groaned in frustration and let go of Magpie's hand "Well what's the point of us being here then?" Magpie shrugged and she tilted her head "There's a lot of precious metals in this place" Max glanced at her "Really? Like what?" She shook her head "I can't tell... it seems like their coming from over here" she walked across the room and examined the wall, Max followed her and tapped the wall "It sounds hollow" Magpie shrugged and she punched the wall, punching through the plaster board, Max whistled "Dam Maggie" he started pulling away the plasterboard until there was a hole big enough for them to crawl through. Magpie grabbed her torch and clicked it on, putting it in her mouth before crawling through the hole "Don't stare at my ass" she commented at Max behind her who scoffed "I'm not" he sounded embarrassed good she thought, smirking before crawling out of the wall and standing up, they were in a massive vault filled with diamonds, emeralds and what looked like Crown Jewels "Holy shit" Max said, after he crawled through the hole "You took the words from my mouth" Magpie shone the torch at the jewels "Must be thousands worth of jewels in here" Max walked over to one of the cabinets, Magpie heard something snap "MAX WAIT" she shouted and he turned "Wh-" he was cut off by a arrow burying itself in his side, he exclaimed in pain and put his hand over the wound, blood seeped though his clothes "MAX" Magpie screamed and she took a step towards him "No. Don't" Max said through gritted teeth, Magpie reluctantly stepped back "Booby. Trapped" Max said in-between breaths, his hand covered in blood, Magpie lifted her hand to her mouth "H-elp" she cleared her throat "Bandit down, I repeat. Bandit down, proceed with caution" she said more clearly and looked at Max, his face was scrunched up in pain "There must be somewhere to disable the traps" she looked around desperately for something, anything to help. She felt so hopeless "Magpie" she still searched "Magpie" Max repeated and she looked at him "It's okay" he smiled slightly and Adrian burst through the wall in his Sentinel armour "Be careful, it's booby-trapped" Magpie warned him and Adrian looked at her "Get out" even though she couldn't see his face she could tell he was pissed "Adrian I didn't-" he picked her up, she pushed at the metal hand "Adrian!!" Max exclaimed and Adrian looked at him and put Magpie down "The rest are outside, leave the professionals to the job" Magpie brushed herself off and grabbed her torch. Stupid superheroes, all jazz and no spice. Well she'll show them who the professionals are.

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