Chapter eight ~ Max

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Max stifled a yawn as Hugh wheeled him to the headquarters, he was dressed in Adrian's hoodie (which was absolutely huge on him) and sweatpants, he couldn't see himself but he knew he probably looked like absolute shite, but, why was he worrying about that? Sketches team had seen him with the flu, Jade and Sterling had joined him in running through mud and water but, yet he still worried. Magpie's face flashed in front of his eyes and he flinched back "You okay?" He looked at Adrian and nodded "Yeah, just remembering an awkward thing that happened ages ago" Adrian laughed and he patted Max's shoulder "I hate it when that happens" he opened the door to the headquarters and he saw his friends, people he considered like a family, all stand up and run towards them, he was bombarded with questions until Adrian sounded that dam claxon of his "Will you calm it with that flipping claxon?" He asked and he caught his fathers eye "Medication, can't help it" he lied and Simon shook his head and Adrian smirked "No I won't calm it down with the claxon, it gets everyone to shut up" he smirked and put his hands up in a mock surrender "I'm sure you have questions for our hero" he squeezed Max's shoulder and Max rolled it back to move his hand off before he even thought, he saw Adrian's face fall slightly and he desperately wanted to explain that it was a natural reaction to human touch, he met Nova's eyes who smiled slightly and nodded. "But you'll have to wait till he's well rested, meanwhile, my team, join me in Captain Chromium's office" Jade, Sterling, Magpie and Max all started to protest and Hugh put his hands up, silencing them "Now now, we value your persistence, but you are too young to deal with such a major case such as this" Max shook his head "Adrian and Nova dealt with the Anarchists when they were 16" Hugh shot him a look that he rarely received, it was only then he realised how worried his father was, he looked at Simon who had dark rings under his eyes and looked exhausted. They both were, because of him, because he couldn't keep his bloody act together, because he was always the one to get hurt. "Sorry" he muttered and wheeled himself out of the way of the 'adults', several of the team squeezed his shoulder as they walked past. Jade and Sterling sat on a curled sofa "Well this fucking sucks" Magpie frowned and she sat on a table even though there was loads of free chairs available "What you said was right though Max. It's not fair that Sketches team got the free run" Jade nodded "Yeah, and we have the golden ticket as well, you're their son, they should let you do what you want!" Max looked up at them and he shook his head, his hair falling into his eyes "They're doing it for our own good" he muttered quietly and Sterling stood up in shock "Are you sure you're Max Everhart??" Max sighed and he leaned back in the chair, the arrow wound burned like fire "Yes I'm Max Everheart, I just think we should listen to them for once... look, I don't have any powers, Jade, Sterling you're both still learning how to control yours and Magpie-" he looked at her and she gave him an icy glare "Mine are only good for cleaning" she slid off the table "No Maggie that wasn't what I meant-" she cut him off, her face flushed and her hair falling into her face "Yeah well it is what you meant Max Everhart, stupid hero who selfishly saved everyone and thinks he's amazing for it. Well news flash, some of us have been here since they were fucking six years old and have helped in the war with the Anarchists, brought Nova and fucking Adrian together and STILL haven't been on ONE successful patrol. I have twice the fucking experience as all of you combined so don't you fucking dare say I'm useless" Max opened his mouth and closed it, he looked at Jade and Sterling who were staring at Magpie with wide eyes. Magpie huffed and she blew her hair from her face "I'll see you dickheads tomorrow" she wrapped her hoodie around herself and ran out before Max could stop her. "Jesus dude, you messed up" Jade said, stating the bleeding obvious "Thanks captain obvious"Max muttered and he watched Magpie turn down a corner. Making his heart squeeze for a reason he couldn't yet figure out.

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