Chapter twenty one ~ Evie

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"We did it!!" Jade cheered after everyone had arrived at Nova's apartment, although no-one joined in his celebrations as they were all staring at the door where Adrain and Max were arguing in the doorway "Why didn't you tell me you were gonna propose to Nova?!" Max shouted and Adrain looked at Nova who smiled weakly before looking back at Max "I- I didn't know how, you were hurt, you had your own relationship problems and-" Max cut him off "I'm your brother, I would support you if you had killed someone... as long as it wasn't Evie" Evie blushed and Jade called out "So what am I? Chopped liver?" Max's frown broke into a smile and he laughed "Or anyone close to me, but you get my point" Adrain pulled Max into a hug and everyone cheered, once the boys were inside Nova smirked at Adrain "You thought you could keep it from me" Adrain smirked back "You still don't know when love, you still don't know when" he kissed her and Oscar shouted out "SAVE IT FOR THE WEDDING" and they pulled away, laughing along with everyone else. Danna smirked and dropped the files onto the table "So are we gonna look through these or not?" Ruby looked up and raised an eyebrow "The ball is tonight Danna, we need to get ready!" Evie widened her eyes "Tonight?" She said in sync with Nova and Ruby laughed "Thought you Artino's, soon to be Everhart" she winked at Nova, who blushed, "Would say that, luckily for you your attractive friend has some outfits for you" Evie looked around and frowned "Great, where is this friend?" Everyone laughed and Ruby lightly smacked her arm "Oi you, now girls, we are going to my house, boys. Stay here" she linked arms with Nova and Evie and dragged them out of the house.


Evie sat at Ruby's messy desk and tried to get comfortable in the dress she had been shoved into, even though it wasn't exactly her normal style, she had to admit that she liked it, it was a simple white dress that went down to her thigh, it had a sweetheart neckline and under the waistband it had a gradient of dark blues that bled into the white fabric. She tried not to fiddle with the silver flower ribbon that Ruby had hot-glued to the waist and patiently waited for Ruby to finish fussing with Nova's gorgeous black slim-line dress, something that Evie herself, could probably never pull off, she met her reflection and jumped back in surprise, the Malefactor looked back at her and grinned "Do not forget our deal Artino" he whispered and then he was gone, Evie jumped out of her skin when Ruby and Nova walked in "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost" Evie cleared her throat and she sat back in the chair, trying to remain a calm exterior "Oh nothing... just stricken by your beauty!" Ruby did a twirl, the fabric of her red dress fanning out "I know right? It'll knock Oscar right off his feet" Evie nodded and she stood up, trying to balance in the three inch heels that Ruby insisted made the look, she held onto Nova's arm and Ruby looked at them and grinned "Now let's go knock some boys socks off.
Evie stepped outside, wobbling and holding onto Nova's arm tightly, she caught Max's eye, he was waiting with the others outside the Headquarters and holy cheeseballs on a cracker, he looked good, dressed in a suit with black tailored trousers and jacket, a white button up shirt with the first two buttons un-done, Evie stumbled towards him, which she could totally blame on the heels but let's be real, it was Max, he caught her and looked at her concerned "Are you okay?" He asked and Evie looked up into his hazel eyes "Never been better" she stood up straight and took his hand "Just can't handle heels" He laughed and laced his fingers through hers "I don't blame you, they look killer" he whispered as they followed the others inside. Once Evie's eyes adjusted to the bright light she gasped, the Headquarters had been absolutely transformed, with tables covered with white tablecloths pushed to the side, a dance floor where Renegades old and new enjoyed dancing to songs played by musical prodigies, Evie looked up at the sparkling chandeliers and held her breath "Jesus, they went overboard" Max muttered, voicing exactly what she had been thinking. The group split off and most of them started to dance, Evie met Max's eyes and he grinned, offering her his hand "M'lady, would you care for a dance" she grinned back "Of course Mr Everhart" he grinned and swept her onto the dance floor. Evie and Max danced until Evie's feet felt like they were going to fall off, she had danced with everyone on Sketch's team, sharing laughter and smiles, if only she didn't have to-. All of a sudden the music stopped and the lead singer picked up the microphone "I now invite everyone except Nova Artino to move off the dance floor" Evie looked at Nova who froze and she looked at Ruby who jumped up and down and squealed, they moved off the dance floor and she looked up at Max "God I hope she says yes" he muttered and she watched Adrain nervously start walking towards Nova "Of course she will" she whispered back just before Adrain got down on one knee, sending gasps and cheers throughout the crowd "Nova Artino... I have loved you since we were 16, yes, I must admit our love story hasn't been the easiest" Nova laughed, wiping tears from her eyes, besides her Evie could hear Ruby whisper "She's so gonna ruin her makeup" Adrain started talking again and Sterling shushed her "But Nova darling... even though this surprise has been ruined... I can't think of anyone I would rather spend the rest of my life with so without further delay. Nova Artino, will you marry me?" Everyone was dead silent as they waited for Nova's response, finally she grinned and nodded "Yes!! Of course you dummy!!" Everyone cheered and Adrain stood up and put the ring on her finger, they kissed and a prodigy set confetti into the air, Evie looked at Max who was grinning widely and kissed him, he kissed her back, Evie squeezed her eyes shut, savouring probably the last moment of bliss, of pure love, of pure freedom.
Once everyone had calmed down and was eating dessert Evie whispered in Max's ear "Can we go outside for a bit? It's getting a bit stuffy in here" he nodded and told his dad's he'll be back and took her hand and they walked outside. Evie made sure no one was around and turned to Max, shivering slightly from the cold "Here, take this" Max shrugged off his blazer and put it over her shoulders, she smiled at him and whispered "Thank you" he smiled back at her and she tried to hold back her tears as she met his eyes, she grabbed him by the waistband of his trousers and pulled him closer, she smirked and put his arms around her, she met his eyes with her own and bit her lip, pulling his head gently towards hers, their foreheads met and she sighed, "I'm so sorry Max. I love you" she whispered and before he could even respond she stabbed him in the gut with a syringe, quickly pushing down the plunger and looking up at him, she saw the betrayal and shock in his eyes before he collapsed into her arms. Her job, was done.

Sorry this one is a bit long I had to fit a lot in 😅 ~ Gay Trash

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