Chapter twenty eight ~ Evie

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Evie put her feet up against the back of the chair in front of her, she picked her tights which poked through the rips in her jeans and stared out the window, she had been allowed to come along with The Dread Warden, Captain Chromium, her sister and Adrian. Although she suspected Nova had to pull a few strings, she watched the roads go by as they got closer and closer to Cragmoor, the group had crammed into Hugh and Simon's car with Evie at the very back, sat in the boot where a seat had been pulled up for her, it was crammed but she didn't care. All she cared about was seeing Max again, he looked so down in the dumps, she was relieved that he had forgiven her but also downtrodden at the same time, she had never seen him like this, even when he had lived his life in the quarantine before, he would always have a smile on his face or be immersed in his building glass city. But now he wasn't interested in any of that, often Evie would find when she looked into the quarantine he was nowhere to be seen, or he was sat, staring at a wall with a blank expression on his face while the doctors checked his vitals. She hated seeing him like that, and she hoped that maybe the Malefactor would help them. Hugh cut her out of her thoughts "We're here, Evie, stay close to Nova and Adrain, Nova, Adrain, stay close to me and Simon" they all clambered out of the car and Nova offered Evie her hand which she gladly took, she had seen a lot of battle in her life but nothing like Cragmoor, it was grim and cold, with the guards showing no sign of humour, Nova shivered and Adrain put his arm around her and Evie refrained a gasp, of course! She thought Nova herself had spent time inside Cragmoor she held her sisters hand tighter as they made their way through security and into a booth where they would question the Malefactor. Adrain paced the wall and Evie looked up at Nova who was biting her nails, Evie noticed her ring and decided to kill time "Have you two planned anything for a wedding?" Nova shook her head "We haven't had time, plus, Adrain really wants Max to be his best man" Evie nodded and smiled slightly to herself "He would love that" Nova shared her smile and the Malefactor appeared on the other side of the glass, he smirked at them "Hello my darlings, what a lovely surprise" his voice echoed around the room and Evie shivered, subconsciously moving closer to Nova. Hugh shook his head "We have no time for small talk Charlie, we need to know what you did to Max and if it's reversible" The Malefactor turned towards Hugh and grinned, showing a few missing teeth "I could tell you... but it would cost you" Evie looked up at Nova in shock but Nova shook her head "They expected this" she whispered and Hugh continued talking "Very well Charlie, if you tell us how we can reverse what you did to Max, we'll reduce your sentence" The Malefactors raised a bushy eyebrow "By how much" Evie noticed Hugh share a look with Simon before he turned back towards the glass "Ten years" Evie let out a squeak and Nova pulled her closer "No way will they do that" she whispered and Nova shook her head, pressing her lips together in a thin line. The Malefactor sighed "A fare deal my friend, but I'm afraid I'll have to turn it down. You see what I did to Max was a gift, and he and yourselves should be grateful for it, he is way less at risk." "Especially now he has almost all of my powers" The Malefactor added on with a mumble. Adrain stepped forward and stood next to his father "Thanks to your so called gift Max will live his whole life in a quarantine" The Malefactor smirked and shook his head "Dear Adrain Everhart, Max is powerful, as you all know, when he lost his power he lost so much potential, but with great power. Comes great sacrifice" Adrain made a move towards the glass and Hugh held a hand up "Fine, enjoy rotting in a prison cell for the rest of your life. Guards!" The guards move to take the Malefactor away "Wait!" He cried out and the guards stopped "I didn't say it wasn't possible to reverse it... but I'll only talk to her" he pointed at Evie and everyone turned to her, she gulped and nodded "Okay, for Max right?" Nova squeezed her hand before letting go and walking out with the others. Evie shoved her hands into her pockets so the Malefactor couldn't see that she was shaking and she set her shoulders back, staring him in the eyes, he grinned, a grotesque sight and started talking "Little Evie Artino, oh how it would of been better if Ace had raised you instead, then maybe you wouldn't of BETRAYED ME" he shouted and pulled at his shackles, the guards held their batons towards him and Evie took an involuntary step back, the Malefactor shook his head "But let's not dwell on the past" he looked up at her and smirked, Evie met his eyes, willing herself to look strong "The antidote is you. If your lips touch his, his power will transfer to you, and disappear. But, you may not use any fancy charms, and you must go to him, if you are too weak. It will not work" Evie's eyes widened and she walked towards the glass "That's it?!" The Malefactor nodded, he seemed defeated "That's it".
As soon as Evie told the group what the Malefactor has told her they rushed to drive back, Evie felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness in her stomach, surely she was strong enough to get close to Max, right? Even though the most powerful prodigies like Ace Anarchy and Charlie Hayward couldn't get close to him she could right?.... right?
As soon as they reached the headquarters Evie jumped out of the car and rushed to the quarantine, she opened the door without hesitation and Max looked up "Evie get back!!" He stepped away from her and she held up her hands "Don't move, this is the only way it can be reversed" Max took another step back as she took a step forward "What can be reversed?? Evie please I don't want to hurt you!!" Evie stopped walking and she met his panicked eyes "The Malefactor told me that if I manage to kiss you without any charms or anything your power would transfer onto me and disappear" Max's eyes widened and he backed into a table "And you believe him?" He sounded panicked and frantic. Evie nodded and she continued walking towards him, she felt herself start to go dizzy but she ignored it and kept going "I'm willing to try anything. It's my fault that you got them back" Max watched her make her way towards him and he held the table so tightly his knuckles went white "What did my dads promise him?" He asked and Evie felt drained, she only had a few steps to go "Ten years off his sentence" Max's eyes widened "Ten years??!" Evie nodded but she did t have the strength to reply, she took one more step and looked up, Max looked down at her and it was like the energy was being drained from her "Anything for you Max, you know that" she pulled him down by his collar and kissed him, she felt the pressure of his lips against hers like so many times before but this somehow felt different, as she kissed him she felt lighter, she tangled her hands in his hair and he put his arms under her legs and lifted her, she wrapped her legs around his waist, no longer feeling dizzy or drained. She felt more alive than ever.

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