Let's Make a Deal

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*Klaus's Pov*

I already missed y/n and regretted fighting with her. I decided to go to the Salvatore's to see if she was there. I waked up to the house and got a shiver down my spine. I started to worry I approached the door and listened in to the conversation that was happening inside

"When do yo think Klaus is going to come"Elena asked nervously 

"I don't know Elena he may not even know" Damon 

"Or he might just not care"

"Stefan we understand you don't like this plan but can you at least try to not be a Debbie-downer"

"Sorry Damon I am just not the happiest because we put one of are oldest friends into a prison world so we could bargain her freedom with Klaus to save Elena"

"You know I remember when you cared for Elena"

"Damon I do care for her I just don't think we should have done that to y/n and have you forgotten who we are dealing with"

"Stefan we all know what Klaus's capable" Elena wined

"Thats not who he talking about" Damon said 

"Wait you think y/n would harm us"

"You don't know y/n like I do she holds grudges" 

"Yeah Stefan you know her but I do to and when we explain why we had to do it she will understand and forgive us"

Stefan chuckled "Damon you never really knew y/n not the way I knew her"

"Or did I brother" Damon says while wearing a smirk

"What are you talking about Damon" Stefan says standing up 

"Can we talk about this later we have bigger things to worry about other then y/n's love life" Elena said clearly jealous and annoyed

I decided to enter the home when I entered everyone's eyes went to me and I just smiled. I act confident and that I have nothing to worry about but on the inside I am a mess.

"I think you have something of mine" 

"I was wondering when you would show up" Damon said with smug look

"Well I am here so what do you want"

"We want to make a deal" Elena said while trying to act confident

"What kind of deal"

"Elena's safety for y/n's freedom" Damon said while downing a glass of bourbon

My first reaction was to rip their heads off but I knew that would not get me anywhere, then I thought maybe I should give into their demands. Finally my brain landed on pretend not to care, because that was the only option that had some hope of working out. How did I know if I gave into their demands they wouldn't back stab me like they did Elijah, and then leave y/n in that prison world. Oh y/n how my heart already is aching not having here and in a foreign place where she could be in danger. I don't know what I would do without y/n if I am being honest I don't know what I did when she disappeared the first time.  

"No deal" saying that was one of the hardest things I had ever done and then turning away and walk towards the door was another. 

"What do you mean no deal" Damon's smug look slowly faded 

"No deal" I repeated myself still facing the opposite way and a wave of relief washed over me because I had them where I wanted them 

"Maybe you didn't hear us we have y/n" Elena said lacking the confidence she had earlier

"I know what you said"

"And you are still going to say no deal" Stefan asked in disbelief

"Yes and if that's all I guess I will see you" I checked my watch "tonight for the ritual"

"Are you sure you don't want to rethink this deal" Damon said with a bit of hope in his voice

"I know you thought you just saved your precious Elena but what you really did was piss me off and since you have no leverage I would watch out" I said this time turning to face them

"We do have leverage, we have y/n" Elena said while trying to gain control of the situation

"No you have no leverage, if anything you made an enemy and when you do let y/n free from where your keeping her she will hunt each and everyone of you down" I said with a huge smirk

"Now you are starting to sound like Stefan" Damon said with a curious tone 

"Thats because he's right"

"Why are you guys acting like you know something we don't" Elena said nervously

"Oh you don't know the story" I said with a knowing smirk this time

"What is he talking about" Damon asked Stefan

"So you don't know, guess you didn't know her as much as you thought you did" Stefan said wearing a face of relief 

"Well while this has been fun I have to prepare for the ritual, so I will let Stefan tell the story if he so chooses" I look over at Damon to see him trying to come up with another plan "And Damon I wouldn't try anything else" as I said those words I turned around and sped out of the house to mine.

When I entered my home I started to break down, tears started to run down my face. I wiped them away and moved upstairs. When I entered the room my eyes started to water again and I yearned for her touch. I then saw one of her shirts on the ground I walked over to it and picked it up.I took a whiff of it and I smelt my beloved y/n and in that moment I knew I would do anything to get her back and when I do get her back I will never let her go. I dried my tears and set my plan into action. 

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