Rekindling the fires

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*Klaus Pov*

My journey to Mystic falls was inevitable, I knew I would have to return back to my birth place. Here is where it all began when a curse was placed on me, and here is where it will be lifted. Over 900 years I have been collecting the pieces and finally I have them. Now that I have them all there is only one thing that I need something I lost over the years.

During my hunt to break the curse I lost many things close to me. I lost many friends over the years for different reasons, but the main most important thing I lost was her. When I lost her I lost a piece of my self  and ever since then I have been searching for her as long with the things I need to break the curse. Now I have everything I need to break the curse and soon I will have her back.

I made sure she found out about me coming to Mystic falls, and I knew once she heard about it she would come back. Weither it is to warn Stefan about me or if it is to see me I know she will come. I just hoped it would be to see me but when I caught her scent and it lead me to the boarding house and my hope left.

Even though she came to warn the Salvatores about me I know if she sees me I can win her back so I knocked on the door. I listen in only to hear 4 heartbeats and footsteps heading towards the door. By the footsteps I knew the person wasn't Y/n but I still hoped that it would be her who answers.

"Klaus what can I help you with" Damon ask with his usual starkness but I could tell he was scared

"Where is she, best not hide her now" I say

I don't wait for him to answer, instead I go to push the door open only to be stopped by him.

"Elena is not here right now go away, Klaus." He says fear eminent in his voice

I begin to chuckle a little, oh how I love the dedication they have for Elena, but personally, I don't see the appeal.

"I am not talking about Elena I am talking about..."

I kick in the door sick of standing outside, and right as I do I am greeted by the person I have been searching for, Y/n.

"Her" I say while pointing at her

Once I make my reason for coming know everyone goes silent not really sure whaat to do. But I know exactly what to I have been thinking about this moment for the longest time. I look her right in the eyes searching them for all the answers I so desperately crave. The first being 'Do you still Love me?' And as I search her eyes I found it and more.

"Klaus what are you doing here" she asks by her tone you would have thought she was mad or scared even but I knew better. I knew that she just wants to hide the fact she still cares.

I don't answer for a moment I just look into her eyes but my path was soon obstructed by Stefan. I cannot help the different emotions that wash over me the first being anger, where does he get off blocking me from what's mine.

"I was just walking around when I caught this intoxicating smell" I say while looking past Stefan at her I look back at Stefan and I see him look at me confused.

"What are you talking about? How do you two know each other?" The room fell silent once again

"Well should I tell them or would you like to darling?"

When she doesn't answer I take that as my sign to continue "Well me and Y/n go way back" I let that sink in before I continue letting them make their own assumptions.

I look at Stefan who is no longer standing in front of Y/n but to the side of her. So now I have a straight path to her. When I look in her eyes once agian I see that she's nervous of what I might tell the other but she's also lust full. I smile at this that even now after all this time I have this effect on her, but she also has the same effect on me.

As I am going to tell more Y/n interrupts me "Well the past is in the past no need to bring it up" y/n then looked at me with those beautiful eyes "um... Klaus can I speak to you in private"

I smirk a little before I walk towards her "Of course darling" I then grab her by her waist and vamp speed her to my room. "Is this private enough love?" I say while still holding onto her waist.

"Yes Klaus this is fine but you know we could have just gone outside to talk"

I smirk "Yes, your right we could have just talked outside but I don't plan on just talking" All while saying this I have been taking small steps towards the wall, and her back just hit it.

"Klaus what are you doing"

"Nothing" I say in a devilish tone

I then move my mouth to her neck gently kissing it before I start to suck on the tender skin

"Klaus stop it" she mutters

I smirk against her skin knowing I have her right where I want her I then pulled away.

"If that is what you truly want"

We go into a silence as we both stand with are bodies tightly pushed up against each other and my arm wrapped around her waist. After a few more minutes I slowly start to pull away, but I don't get to far before I feel her soft lips slam up against mine.

The kiss felt so right, being in her arms felt right. The kiss heated up fast. I grab her waist and lift her up so she can wrap her legs around my waist. Once she does I carry her over to the bed before I drop her down on it. She bounces slightly against the bed but his stilled when I climb on top of her.

We pull away from the kiss to catch are breathes and once I do my mouth connects to her neck leaving love bites. As I am working on her neck she has her hands in my hair. Soon enough though her hands find themselves at the hem of my shirt which she is slightly tugging on. I take the hint and pull my shirt off. Once it's off I go back to exploring her body, and right as I am about to pull her shirt off.

"KLAUS...Y/N" we get interrupted

I groan in frustration which causes y/n to laugh lightly. I get off of her and pick my shirt off of the ground. Y/n gets up and walks out of the room me right on her tail. We walk down the grand stairs only to see a stressed Stefan in the entrance. I internally groan at this so Stefan is the reason why my hands are not all over her right now. 

"Are you ok you worried me when you just disappeared" Stefan says when we meet if in the entry way

"Stefan you didn't have to worry I am a big girl" she says

He then pulls her close to him and gives her a hug and when she pulls away he gives me a deal the glare. I smirk a little at his futile attempt to lay some sort of claim on her or what ever that was because she already is mine.

"Stefan I would never lay my hands on y/n" a sign of relief washes over him until I add "Unless she asked me to"

"Klaus" y/n says in a warning tone

"Well y/n since you have no where to go I would like to offer the boarding house to you" Stefan says

"Oh thank you that would be nice"

"No problem there's plenty of room, but we should be heading back it is getting dark"

She looks at me one last time before she heads out the door following Stefan.

"See you later darling" I say as she shuts the

I stand there for a few moments rethinking what just happened in my room and what almost happened. The thought of it brought a smile to my face. Then I thought about her alone with the Salvatores all night long and that set a fire in me.

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