The plan

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*Klaus's Pov*

I have everything I need for the ritual, the only thing I am missing is my y/n. She has only been gone for a couple days but I miss her dearly. I have my witches doing research on prison worlds but nothing has come back to me. I have decided that my last option is to go talk to the Bennett witch. I am currently standing outside the grill  I can hear Bonnie inside talking to someone. I slide into the grill going unnoticed by anyone I sit in the back and listen to their conversation. I can see now from where I sit that it is Stefan who is talking to Bonnie.

"Bonnie you don't understand Elena is planning on keeping her stuck there forever" Stefan said

"Stefan I know you care about y/n, I understand but do not tell me lies" Bonnie said 

"Bonnie I swear Elena told me and Damon that she doesn't want y/n leaving the prison world" Stefan said while looking her right in the eye

"Elena is my best friend she would not lie to me" Bonnie reassures herself

"Well she did, just ask her yourself" 

As if she knew they were talking about her in walks Elena head held high and a smile on her face. Seeing this not only worries me but intrigues me. Now it is not Elena herself that is doing these things but the situation at hand. If what Stefan says is true then Elena did just trap someone I care deeply intent to leave her there forever. I watch as he walks over to Bonnie and then eyes Stefan in a suggestive manner. 

"What are you guys talking about" Elena asked

"Nothing much just trying to figure out a plan to atop Klaus" Stefan said then eyes Bonnie

"Yeah, I figured we could take y/n out of the prison world and try to bargain her to Klaus" Stefan continues

"NO, Stefan that plan can go wrong in so many ways it is best to leave her there until we think of something better" As Elena said this I saw something flash in Bonnie's eyes.

"How about we bring her to the Sacrifice to distract Klaus and get an upper hand" Bonnie said

"I not really a fan of that one either, we should keep brainstorming" Elena said looking away from Bonnie's prying eyes

"Wait Bonnie I actually like that plan" Stefan commented

"So its settled that's what we will do" Bonnie said

"Did you guys not hear me I don't like the plan" Elena said irritated 

"Sounds like you don't like any plan involving bringing back y/n" Bonnie said accusingly

"Bonnie why are you acting like this" Elena said whiling eyeing Stefan

"Elena look me in the eyes and tell me you plan on bring back y/n and you didn't lie straight to my face" Bonnie voice was laced in anger

"Bonnie" Elena said with a sad tone 

"So it is true then" Bonnie said in disbelief "Stefan lets get y/n back" 

 I watch as they walk away from Elena and a smile is plastered on my face not only am I getting my y/n back and I know the plan for tonight. So I am feeling pretty good right about now and I walk out of the grill with a pep in my step.

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