Un-Marked Roads

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*Stefan Pov*

I was sat in the backseat of Klaus's car. I was gazing at y/n watching her closely, ever since I started drinking human blood my emotions and senses have been heightened. Now every time I see y/n the feelings I feel for her are intensify. As I was watching y/n Klaus was talking about something and y/n was just looking out a window. Klaus must have notice no one was listening to him because he stop talking. He also must have notice my attention was on y/n because he put his hand on her thigh. 

"Are you alright love" Klaus ask

"Yeah" she mumbled 

she turned her view from the window to Klaus who had his eyes on the road she leaned over and gave him a light kiss on the cheek and I watched as a smile formed on his face. It was like torture watching them together. I was glad she was happy but I wished it was me that made her smile like that. Y/n placed her hand on-top of Klaus's hand on her thigh.

*Hours later*

It was pitch black out side, but Klaus seems just as wide awake as when we started this trip. I on the other hand am a little tired and y/n is passed out has been for a while. Her head was leaning on the glass of the window and her legs were underneath her body. She looked so peaceful and looking at her made you just forget about all your problems. I moved my vision from y/n and out the window. I looked out at the stars and I couldn't stop myself from thinking of Damon and all of my friends back home. I kept telling myself that its not all bad my brother is still alive he is happy with a living Elena. 

"What are you thinking about" Klaus ask

"Nothing" I say in a dismissive tone 

"Thinking about home" He says

"I said nothing" I

"No need to be defensive, I just trying to make conversation"

"Well don't" I say

"You know you use't to tell me all your secrets "

"Whats that suppose to mean" 

"Stefan we were good friends" 

I was about to respond when I heared a small whimper come from y/n. Klaus heared it to because his attention went straight to y/n. I watch as y/n move around in her seat and then she stopped moving. We were both quit for a moment waiting to see if she would wake up. After a minute or so we both decided she wasn't going to wake up.

"How come I don't remember this supposed friendship" I say resuming the conversation

"Now, Now Stefan all in good time" Klaus says

"Well can you at east tell me where we are going"

"Stefan how about you stop worry and focus on tat blood lust of yours"

When he said that I felt like I needed blood right that second or I was going to explode. I could feel the black veins form under my eyes and my mouth go dry.

"Hold on Rippah we are almost there" Klaus chuckled at the end

I wanted to ask where but I couldn't focus enough to form words. Klaus slowed the car and eventually it stopped I looked around and noticed we where at a bar in the middle of nowhere.

"Dinner is served" Klaus says as he unbuckles his seat belt

I quickly got of the car I waited for Klaus but he didn't get out right away. Instead he stayed back and I watch as he leaned over to y/n. He said something but I couldn't here it over all the beating hearts from the bar. I see y/n move and eventually stretch her arms and legs out. From where I am standing I see her give him a sleepy smile and then gave him a short kiss. They both get out of the car and as y/n got to the other side he grab hands. They held hands as they walked into the bar me close behind them. We walked into the bar and I shut and locked the door behind me.

*A couple minutes later*

I was on my third person and I drop my body and looked around the bar. I looked over to y/n and she had blood dripping from her chin and a wicked smile on her face. I then looked over to Klaus who looked almost exactly the same. As I was watching them Klaus walked over to y/n and wrapped on arm around her waist. He then brought up a finger to her mouth and wiped her chin clean of the blood and then proceeded to lick his fingers clean. He then kissed her lips and she kissed him back running her hands through his hair. I had to turn around I felt dirty watching them and I also couldn't bare to see the women I like with another man. 

"Well now that everyone has eaten lets continue this road trip, shall we" Klaus says

"Alright" y/n say as she steps over a dead body 

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