Where the hell am I?

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*Y/n's Pov*

I woke up in the middle of a road. I take in my surroundings and I could tell I was in mystic falls but it was different. I stand up and start to walk around the town, I start to realize that there is no one here I am all alone. I continue to look around I don't understand what is going on one second I am in the Salvatore house the next I am in this weird place. Speaking of the Salvatore house I follow the familer path to the the house. I approach the house and open the door like the rest of the of the town it is empty. I walk into the house and make myself at home I look around the house searching for clues. The house as some minor differences to the one back home but overall they are almost the same. After exploring the town for a while I finally found a clue as to where I was. I picked up a newspaper and looked at the date and when I saw it my face dropped. I thought this would clear up things but it only made it worse.

As I was standing in the middle of town holding the newspaper I noticed the sky becoming darker and I decide I should head back to the house. I took the newspaper and the bag of things I collect on my journey around town. I walked back into the house putting the newspaper on the coffee table and then heading to the master room. I through my bag on the bed and then head straight for the shower. After my long shower I headed back into the room over to the bag and opened it to revel a fresh pair of clothes. I pulled out the gray sweat pants and the big t-shirt. I changed into the clothes and went to bed right as I touched the bed I went into a much needed sleep. I hoped that when I woke up I would be in the arms of Klaus and this all was just a bad dream.

*Next day*

*Kai's Pov*

Living in isolation has it perks you can be who you are without having to worry about what others think and you can do what ever you want. That is also a downfall when all you really want to do is murder your whole family for locking you up in a prison world. I was doing what I usually do walking around hoping that something would change or that I would find a way to ease my boredom. Usually my calls go unnoticed but today they didn't and I heared a sound. I am not sure if isolation has finally got to me or if it is really another person here, but I had to know. I spent a couple hours trying to find the source of the sound. I was about to give up when I saw a small figure emerge from a house.

I quickly hid and watched her from afar I wanted to know if she was a threat to me and why she is here before I show myself. I watch as she walks out of the house in sweats and t-shirt and I had to admit she was pretty. She looks around and then plops unto the ground laying her back onto the sidewalk. She starts to hum and as she hums I feel a drop of water hit my face. I look up and a few more follow I then realize it is raining, but how it can't rain in the prison world. I then look back at the girl to see a smile on her face. She must be causing the rain but how? I had so many questions now but they could be answered later. I watch as she gets soaked in the rain her big t-shirt is now cling to her body making it easy for me to she her form. As the rain becomes more heavy she goes inside. While I stay in the same place I was 'oh how I missed the rain'. 

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