Klaus's girl

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*Spicy warning*

*Y/n Pov*

I am one of the first people out of school, as I am walking down the sidewalk I catch sight of Klaus. He is leaning against a tree. I walk over to him and right when I come in his line of sight I see a smirk form on his face.

"What are you doing here" I ask him

"Well love, I thought we should catch up, since last time we saw each other we didn't do much talking"

"Since I have nothing else to do I guess we can catch up"

"lovely, how about we go to the grill?" He suggest

"Sounds nice" I tell him

Once I say sure he stands up straight and walks over to me, he wraps an arm around my waist. I just laugh a little and continue to walk allowing him to keep his arm on my waist. We walk to the grill not really talking just walking enjoying each others company.

As we walk through the doors of the grill all eyes go on us. We walk further into the grill Ana's find in open booth in the back. While we walk back to are booth I hear whispers and when we take are seat I make eye-contact with Stefan. I give him a small smile and a little wave, he returns it.

"So y/n tell what you have been up to since the last time I saw you" Klaus say gaining my attention again.

"Nothing much just traveling" I say "You know me"

"Yes I did know you, but you've change and I want to know this new you" he says while gently grabbing my hand

"Klaus you haven't changed a bit still a charmer" I say

"I may be a charmer but I am serious Y/n I want to learn more about you" He tells me

"Ok what do you want to know" I ask

"Why did you leave me?" He asks jumping right to the big questions

"Klaus" I say not really wanting to answer

"I have wanted to ask you that question for ages please just tell me why" he says

"I... I left because I was holding you back and we just wanted different thing" I tell him most of the truth

"What do you mean" he asks

"Klaus it was no secret that you were or are obsessed with this curse I just felt it was best for the both of us if I left"

"How could you think I would be better off without you" he says and my heart broke a little

"I don't know Klaus" I say

"Love you must know how much I care about you" he says

"Klaus I can't do this right now" I say as I get up from the table and out of the grill

I walk out of the grill but before I can get far I feel a warm hand wrap around my wrist pulling me back.

"Well can you at least answer me this" he says as he turns me around to face him

"What" I ask

"Do you still Love me" he ask and I can hear the heart break in his voice

"How could you ask that Klaus, of course I love you" I say

When those words leave my mouth I can see the relief wash over him, and thats when he pulls me into him. Are lips only a few inches apart; I can feel his breath hit my face.

"I love you too" he whispers

He smashes his lips against mine after he tells me he loves me. I melt into him even though I know I should not be kissing him let alone in front of the grill for anyone to see.

So when he pulls away I say "Klaus we shouldn't be doing this here"

"Ok" is all he says

He pulls me closer to me before he flashes me to his bedroom at his house. Every time me and Klaus are together we end up here. Once we were in his room he pushes me up against the door and reconnects are lips. I moan into his mouth as he pushes his body against mine more. His hands traveled down to my hips while mine go to his hair. We pull away from the kiss to catch are breath.

"Jump" he says breathlessly

I immediately do what he says, wrapping my legs around his waist. He carries me to the bed and lays me down on it. He then climbs on top of me leaving light kisses on my neck. I then feel his hands travel down my body and to the hem of my shirt. He tugs it up my body a little before looking into my eyes asking for permission. I give him a tiny nod before helping him fully take my shirt. Once my shirt is off Klaus connects his lips to the skin of my collar bone. As he kisses my collar bone I drag my hands down his back and grab his shirt pulling it off of him. I ran one of my hands down his bare chest and abs.

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