Going back home

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*Stefan Pov*

They are soon to discover that Elena is alive, if that happens everyone will suffer. Gloria is trying to locate the necklace that I stole from Rebekah and gave it to Elena. I am stressing so much as I watch Gloria try to find the necklace. All I want to do is protect the people I love but it seems I am failing. The necklace I gave to Elena will be the thing that brings her death.

"Are you alright Stefan" Y/n asks

"Uh yeah I'm fine" I mumble out

"You sure you look stressed" Y/n asks again

"Yes" I say a little snippy

With that Y/n walks away and over to Klaus and I feel kinda bad for being rude. I watch as Gloria holds Rebekahs hand and then she opens here eyes and looks directly at me and I just know she knows. I hold my breath ready for her to tell everyone the truth and for my heart to be ripped out by Klaus for my betrayal.

"Well what did you see" Klaus ask

"A girl with her friends" Gloria says

"A dead girl and dead friends" Rebekah retorts

"So who is this girl, where are they" Klaus ask

"Yes who has my necklace" Rebekah ask

"It doesn't work like that" Gloria lies

"Can you tell us who has it or not" Klaus ask

"Not at this moment I need some more time and space" Gloria says eyeing Klaus

"Alright we have other business to take care of" Klaus says

I was slightly relieved that Gloria kept my secret, but I also wanted to Everyone left the bar but me and Gloria we had to talk.

*Y/n Pov*

We walked out of the bar and I had a bad feeling about Gloria. I didn't trust her, when Kai taught me some magic I learned how to find items. That's why it is odd Gloria said that she didn't have any details.

"Are you alright love" Klaus asks

"Just thinking" I then turn to him "can you really trust Gloria"

"What do you mean" Rebekah ask

"Well Rebekah I think she may be lying about not knowing where the necklace is" I say

"Why would she lie" Rebekah ask

"Maybe because she hates Klaus" I say

"That makes sense Nik" Rebekah says

"Fine we will keep an eye on her" Klaus says

"Maybe you should start with what her and Stefan are hiding" I say

"I also think Stefans hiding something" Rebekah says

"You guys might be onto something" Klaus says

"What are you guys talking about" Stefan asks

"Nothing just how we will be going back to the hotel but before that we are going to a place that was special to you" Klaus says

"Where?" Stefan ask

"I'm going to show you just how close we were"

"Alright you two can go me and Rebekah will explore the town and I will introduce Rebekah back into society"

"Then I will see you two later" he looks to me "stay safe" he gives me a kiss on the cheek

"You too" I say

*A lot of drama later*

"We are returning to mystic falls" Klaus says

"No We don't have to do that" Stefan says

"I want to know what your hiding" Klaus says

"I'm not hiding anything" Stefan says

"If that's the case you have nothing to worry about" Klaus says

"But" before Stefan could finish Klaus snaps his neck and stuffs him into the back trailer.

"Now are you guys ready" Klaus ask

"Yes I'm excited to visit are old stomping grounds" Rebekah says

"I'm excited to see my friends" I say

"I just hope this solves my hybrid problem" Klaus says

"I am sure it will" I say

"Alright let's go" Rebekah wines

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