The truth comes out

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*Caroline Pov*

We watch Y/n as she walks down the side walk by her direction I guess she is heading to the mikaelsons. We all trail behind her making sure not to be seen. As Y/n is walking pass a ally way she is pulled into it. I look at my friends and we all become more cautious.

Once we get to the ally we all peak down it only to turn away immediately. My mouth is hanging open, I cannot believe we just saw Klaus and Y/n making out. That wasn't the worse part though when I saw them kissing I felt a ping in my chest.

"What did we just see" I say

"I knew they had a past but" Elena says

"Do you think anyone knows" Bonnie ask

"I don't think so Stefan and Damon would have told me" Elena says

"Are you sure you and Stefan did just have a fight" I say

"They would still keep me in the loop" Elena defends

"How about we stop fighting and go tell Stefan I saw him at the grill" Bonnie suggest

"Yeah ok" Elena says

*Flashback to this morning*

*Klaus's Pov*

I decide to go to the grill, I was hoping to see her there if I am being honest I miss her. I am sitting at a table lost in my thoughts. Until I hear her familiar voice I turn in the direction it was coming from only to see her and Stefan. I quickly become jealous seeing her with someone else especially Stefan. I walk up to them and as I approach Stefan takes a defensive stance in front of her. This just brings me back to the first night I saw y/n again, and it bothers me just as much. I suppress my urges to kill Stefan but instead I decide to annoy him. I smile at both of them and wink at y/n. I walk out of the grill and walk for a bit then I go into an alley nearby and wait. I know she will be coming any minute, it is something we did anytime we wanted to be alone. I wait a little longer and for a moment I thought she might not show up untill I catch a whiff of her perfume. Once she come into view I grab her by the arm and push her against a brick wall.

"For a moment there I thought you weren't coming Love"

"I didn't think I would be, I still don't know why I did"

"You know exactly why love"

With that I kiss her and she kisses me back with just as much passion. After what felt like forever but was in reality only a minute or two she pulls away.

"Whats the matter love"

"Nothing I just felt like someone was watching us"

"Well if someone was they just got one hell of a show"

"Klaus I'm not joking"

"Neither am I"

We make eye-contact again and we start to make out again.

*Elena's Pov*

My head is spinning I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that y/n and Klaus are together. We are walking back to the grill to get some answers on the matter but I don't think we will find anything. We walk into the grill and see Damon and Stefan talking.

"Hey" I say

"Hey Elena" Damon response with a smirk

"You won't believe what we just saw" Caroline says

I looked at Caroline signaling for her to tell Damon and Stefan.

"We saw a certain someone and Klaus making out in the alley way" she says

"Not this again" Damon says

"What do you mean not again" I butt into the conversation

"Do you want to tell her or shall I Stefan" Damon says while looking back at Stefan

"Y/n told me and Damon that she had spent the night with him her second night back"

"Why didn't you tell me, we don't keep secrets you know that" Elena says

"Sorry Elena it must have slipped my mind I guess I was focused on the fact you kissed my brother" Stefan say getting irritated

"WAIT WHAT" Caroline shouts causing all eyes to go on us

"Caroline please keep it down I will tell you later"
I say

"Bonnie did you know" Caroline ask

"Yeah Elena told me a couple days ago" she says

"So everyone knew but me, wow" Caroline says

"Caroline its not like that" I told her

"I think it is like that I am always the last to know everything"

"Thats not true" Bonnie cuts in

"I am done with all this bickering,it is not that big of a deal blondie" Damon says

"Ug Damon just shut up" and with that Caroline sped out of the grill

"Damon really" I rolled my eyes at him and went back to are table

"Nice going Damon" Bonnie said while walking over to where I was sitting

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