The New Girl

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*Elena Pov*

I watch as Stefan and y/n walk away they are both smiling at each other. I do not like her even though she has only been her for a day she has caused so much drama. Mystic falls already has it's own problems for example a Original vampire who has made it clear he wants to kill me, but it seems now that y/n has shown up no one cares. Before she showed up Stefan never left my side I had to force him to let me go to school now he is just leaves me.

"Elena? are you even listening" Caroline wines

"Oh... Sorry Caroline I just got lost in my thoughts" I tell her

"Its fine what were you thinking about?" She asks

"I was just thinking about y/n something feels off about her" I inform the of my concerns

"What do you mean?" Bonnie asks

"I don't know she jut gives me a weird vibe" I say

"Are you sure shes hiding something she seems nice" Caroline says

"I really think she is, Bonnie can you do that witchy thing you do" I ask

"Yeah I guess Elena if you really think that it is necessary" Bonnie says

"Yes I do, thank you Bonnie"

"OK if we are done talking about y/n can we hurry I don't want to be late" Caroline says while picking up her pace

We make it to the history classroom are first class of the day. We all sit down in are usual seats; the classroom is dull of students only with a few empty seats one being the one next to me Stefans seat. My eyes train on the door as I wait for Stefan. Before Stefan shows up the bell rings signaling the start of class. Rick stands up and goes to start teaching when he is interrupted by Stefan and Y/n walking into class. They don't say anything, Stefan goes to his seat by me while y/n turns her attention to Rick.

"Hi my name is y/n I just moved here" she says

"Nice to meet you y/n you can sit in that seat there"  he says while pointing to the back of the class   

I watch as Y/n walks to the back of the class and takes her seat. I also notice that I am not. The only one watching her, Stefan was taking notice of her. When Y/n sits down Stefan still has his eyes on her but he eventually turns around when   Rick starts to talk again. As he turns around he looks over at me and I just look away.

"Hey sorry I woke up late and for not walking you to class"  he says

"Its fine you had more important things to do" I say

"Elena don't be like that, I just wanted to make sure she settles in ok she is a old friend of mine" he says

"If she is such a good friend of yours why have you never told me anything about her" I say

"It just never came up Elena" he says but I can tell he is holding something back

"Really it never came up Stefan you must think that I am stupid" I say

"Elena I don't think you are stupid I just think you are overeating" he says

"Really Stefan I don't think I am overacting"

"Elena can we not talk about this right now"

"When will we talk about it then" I wine 

Before Stefan can responded Rick interrupts "Quite down"

We stop talking and face the front of the class again. Every so often I glance over at Stefan only to find him looking at   Y/n. This just made me dislike her even more than I already do; she isn't even trying. While Stefan is looking at Y/n she isn't paying attention to him but the class. How does she get all these guys to fall at her feet?

*End of Class*


I quickly grab my things and hurry out of the class, I didn't want to deal with Stefan right now.

*Time skip*

*Stefan Pov*

The last bell of the day rang and I quickly hurried out out of the classroom. I wanted to talk to y/n about her first day and maybe see if she wanted to go to the grill with me but before I could find her I ran into Elena. That's when the guilt hit me I felt bad for getting in a fight with her.

"Elena just the person I was looking for" I lie through my teeth

"Are you sure about that" she ask all while not looking at me

"Yes Elena I wanted to talk to you" I say trying to reassure him

"Fine Stefan talk" she says finally looking at me

"Can we talk in private please"

"Ok we can talk in here" she says while pointing to a door

She grabs my arm and leads me over to closet making sure no one sees us.

"Elena I just wanted to say sorry I made you feel like I don't care about you but I do care"

"Stefan I am the one who should be apologizing, I'm the one that just assumed things"

"Elena you have nothing to worry about" even though I told her that I'm not sure I believe it

"Ok I believe you, do you maybe want to go to the grill" she suggest

"Yeah sounds like fun" I tell her

I give her a light kiss on the cheek and wrap my arm around her shoulder. We walk out of the closet both wearing smiles and while I am happy I couldn't help but look for y/n and when I found her she wasn't alone. She was talking to someone but my view was blocked. Eventually he moved over to where she was and thats when I saw it was Klaus. Why would Klaus show up here but my question is soon answered when Klaus wraps an arm around Y/ns' waist. I watch as they walk away Klaus arm still around her waist as he does so.  

"What was that all about" Elena ask me

"I don't know I will ask her later Though" I tell her

"Ok Stefan just don't assume anything" she tells me but I can tell she doesn't believe it

"I won't Elena now lets go" I tell her as I lead her to the grill

Me and Elena join her friends and we all walk to the grill. They were all having a conversation but my head was else where. My head was thinking about Klaus and Y/n, how he had his arm around her.

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