We meet at last

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*Prison World*

*Kai's Pov*

I have been watching her from afar for the past two days. She doesn't do much and nothing like the rain indecent has happened again. While watching her I noticed a couple things about her first being she is a vampire. I also started to realize that she keeps a schedule she wakes up every morning at the same time. I was still not sure if I was ready to revel myself to her yet so I still stayed hidden in the shadows. 

*Y/n's Pov*

I feel like someones watching me, I am not sure if I am being paranoid. I wake up and to things moved or I just  get a feeling up my spine, but when I look around I don't see or hear anything. I think this prison world is getting to me. I think I am slowly going crazy, and I am just waiting for the voices to happen at this point. Anyway I am on my way to the store to go pick up some food. As I am walking I get the same shiver down my spine. Ignore it I thought but as I kept walking and still felt it I decided that I am done.

"Hello I know someones there" I shouted with no response

"Great I am going crazy" I said to myself "Oh and now I am talking to myself"

I continue my journey to the store, with the nagging feeling someones watch me. I enter the store and go to the snack aisle and grabbed my favorites. As I am walking down the aisle a bag catches my eye. Pork rines.  I pick up the bag and look it over inspecting every inch, I don't know why but I feel drawn to it. I put the bag in my cart and grabbed some other things. After I finished grabbing everything I walked out and back to the house cart in hand. When I got back I put everything away but put the pork rines on the table. I sat in front of them and just looked at them. Opening the bag and placing one in my mouth I crunched the chip like substance. The taste was different, and I am not sure if that is good or bad. Closing the bag and leaving it on the table I looked at it again. I went upstairs to put away the clothes I grabbed while out.

*Kai's Pov*

I watch her as she goes to the store, what else am I suppose to do. I see he pick up a bag of pork rines and stares at it for awhile. I find this weird but interesting.Why would she stare at a bag that long? And not just any bag a bag of my favorite snack. I get bored of watching her so I head back o the house I am laying on a couch when I hear her open the door. I hide and watch as see puts everything away and try a pork rine. I snicker a little as I watch her face. She goes upstairs and I decide I am ready to show my self. I walk over to the table and sit in a chair grabbing the pork rines. I start munching on them, a few seconds later I hear he come down the stairs. She sees me and moves over to me with speed that is inhumanly possible. She puts both hands on either side of me trapping me in my chair. She looks down at me are faces are very close.

"Who are you?" She asked keeping the close proximity

"Sorry, manners. I'm Kai, nice to meet you" I say still munching on a pork rine

"so your the guy who as been following me" she said and I heared a hint of relief in her voice  

"Yes, and are you going to tell me your name" I said 

"My name is y/n, y/n y/l/n"

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