Nighttime visit

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I showed Kai to his room and around the mansion. I said goodnight and went back downstairs. I couldn't sleep. I was worried about Nik, so I decided to sit outside.
I open the back door and sit on the concrete stairs. I was staring into the darkness. The only thing that gave light was the full moon. The cold air was nipping at my skin but I didn't seem to mind. After a while I was about to go inside when I heard rustling of leaves. I stood up and started to scan the tree line. I couldn't see that well but I still saw the outline of something moving.

As it got closer I saw it wasn't a person but an animal. A wolf stood only a few feet in front of me. It had gorgeous black fur and beautiful gold eyes. Usually in these situations people would run or fight the wolf but I had the urge to pet it. The wolf slowly moved forward but not in a threatening way. I took a step forward and the wolf stopped moving and growled. At this point I am 80% sure that this is Klaus in wolf form. 

"Klaus?" I asked while still moving forward

The wolf looked up at me and then moved closer to me. Now there are only a few inches between us. I kneel down so that I am face to face with the wolf. I raise my hand slowly and pet his dark fur. Klaus turns his head into my hand more. I pet him a little more and then I sit on the ground, Klaus lays down and places his head on my lap. I laugh a little at this action. I never thought I would be in a situation like this.

"Klaus" I said 

He lifted his head up and looked at me

"You should get going" 

He whimpered

"While I do enjoy this I think you should explore fully enjoy your first time"

He moved his head into my chest

"Klaus don't worry about me I won't be alone and you'll be back soon"

"Hmm" he stood up and so did I

"Now go" I said

He hesitated before he ran back into the woods. I smiled to myself at the thought of how happy he probably is right now. I walked back into the house and shut the door. I walked up the stairs and went to my room and got ready for bed. I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep but I just couldn't. I got out of bed all I was wearing was one of Klaus' shirts and some booty shorts. I walked down the hall to Kai's room, I gently opened the door to see him tossing and turning to. I walked into the room and he turned and looked at me.

"Can't sleep" He said


"Me too" he respond

He lifted up the blankets and I crawled into bed with him. I rested my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. After a while we both fell asleep in each others arms.

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