Well Hello sister

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*Rebekah Pov*
I wake up gasping for air, I take in my surroundings. My throat is dry and I am craving for the warm sensation of blood to go down it. As I gain my composers my fangs come out and my eyes travel to a security guard.

"Here's my crotic artery and your presence is requested at Glorias bar" he says

I don't say anything else and I grab him and drain him of his blood. Once he was empty I pulled away breathing heavily. Blood is running down my chin I wipe it off and run to Glorias bar.

I stand outside the door for a minute listening to the conversation inside trying to figure out what lies behind this door. I can hear muffled voice one I can tell is Nik and the other two sound similar. I decide to make my entrance I open both door very dramatic I might add. All eyes go on me and I freeze a little when I see Stefan and my heart completely stops when I see y/n.

"Y/n" I barely mumble out

"The one the only" she jokes

"What am I chopped liver" Nik says faking hurt

"Don't Nik I am still mad at you" I say glaring at him

"Are you going to say anything Stefan" I say

"Umm" he says

"Go easy on the poor lad" Nik says

I just roll my eyes

"Well should we get down to business" Stefan says

"No, we have to go shopping first" Y/n says and I just smile this is why we are best friends

"Are you serious" Stefan says

"Yes of course we can't have Rebekah in those old dirty Clothes" Y/n says

"Stefan it's best not to argue with them" Nik says

"Alright beks time to update your wardrobe" Y/n says as she walks up to me and links are arms together

*At the store*

"Y/n you have to try things on with me" I wine

"Ok ok" she giggles a bit

We both try on some dresses mine is a dark purple and Y/n try's on a red one. I was nervous to try mine on because it was so tiny but so is Y/n's.

"There as to be more to this dress" I complain once it's on

"There isn't" Nik tells me

I walk out of the dressing room showing them my dress.

"Let me see" y/n says as she walks out of the dressing room with her dress on.

"What do you think" I ask

"I like it but I think we can do better" she says

"What about me" she says while twirling reveling the low back

Before I can respond Nik answers "You look Gorgeous love but your not getting it"

"Why can't I get it" y/n says putting her hands on her hips

"It shows to much" he says

"I think I am going to get it" she says to Nik

"Love" Nik says

Ignoring him Y/n turns to me "let's find you a better dress"

"Sounds like a plan" I say

"I thought you said don't argue with them" Stefan says

"I didn't argue" Klaus mumbles while taking a sip of champagne

"If you says so" Stefan say

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