I am what?

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"I am what" I asked

"An Elemental witch" he said amazed

"So I am a witch that controls elements" I asked

"Yes but they are extremely rare" 

"Well isn't this a unique development" I say with a smirk

"What on earth do you mean" Kai asked 

"Well remember you told me how to get out of here" I said

"Yes, you need the ascendant, Bennett blood, the spell"

"Right but you told me about how the eclipse is one of the main part so..." I said gesturing for him to finish

"You want to see if you can use the power of the eclipse to get us out of here" He said with a triumph smile.

"Yes and when better to try it now" I said with a smirk

"I knew you were my ticket out of here"He said

"So I figure you have to be somewhere specific"

"Yes you would be correct and I know just where"he smiled

"OK lets go"

"Hold on we have a few hours to spare let me first pack and then we will go. Ok?"

"I guess I can wait"

"Great well see you in an hour or so" he then walked out

*An Hour later*

"I am ready to go" He said holding a blue backpack

"Whats in the bag"

"Just some stuff in case I get homesick" 

"Well ok should we head out" I asked

"Sure it isn't far just a little hike"

*30 minutes later*

"Are we there yet" I wined

"Yes." he stated

"Look we are here" he said 

I looked and it was anything special I looked at him with a 'are you kidding me' look.

"There's more, all you have to do is dig up the dirt until you hit a cave like tunnel"

"You're not helping how am I suppose to dig this all up"I said

"Just move it with your magic" He said in a duh tone "And hurry it is almost time we got like 20 minutes"

"OK ok" I focused and picture the dirt moving and the tunnel being shown. 

I moved my hand out and up this time I did it with my eyes open and I watched as the dirt rose and fell to the side of the hole. We walked over to the hole and saw the cave. I jumped down with kai following me.

"Good Job now lets get the show on the rode" he said 

"Ok what do I need to do again" I asked

"Here is the run down you have to harness the power of the eclipse then picture home and I will be holding onto you mumbling a spell" He said while grabbing my arm

"OK well when do I start" 

"It is almost time but one more thing remain focused or we could die understand"

"Ye-" Before I could say yes he said "Now"

I heared Kai start mumbling I looked up at the eclipse I placed my hand out,and focus on the darkness. I can feel it consume me but I just keep picturing the woods back home.My favorite tree where I would spend time to clear my head and enjoy the sun or moon rays. I felt my body drift and I felt completely relaxed until I felt a tug on my arms so I opened my eyes. I looked at Kai and then around to find we were under my favorite tree and a smile graced my face.

"Where are we?" He asked also looking around

"My favorite tree in mystic falls" I say then I remember, Klaus and the ritual

I turn to Kai and give him a kiss on the cheek and said "I have to go do something super important"

"Care to share details" He inquired

"Exacting revenge" I said 

"Well do you need some ascendance" He asked and I could see he was in the need of kicking some ass

"You can come but no killing not yet anyway" I said with  devious smirk 

"Yes" He cheered like a little school girl

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