1. Muggle Adventures

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Y/N closed his eyes and focused on his destination. The Burrow. He had sent Nick a letter earlier that day and told him that he was going to collect him and that Nick should be waiting for him just outside the Burrow. Y/N didn't want anyone else to see him, just Nick.

As Y/N arrived at his destination, he saw the familiar outline of the boy just a few metres ahead of me.

"Nick!" Y/N called out, his eyes adjusting to the dim light. It was the crack of dawn and he was surprised the Sawyer boy had even been able to wake up.

Nick turned around and made his way towards the L/N boy. "Hey Y/N."

"How are you doing?" Y/N asked.

Y/N had already apologised to him for what he said at Dumbledore's funeral, he seemed to of forgiven Y/N quite quickly. The boy told him it was a spur of the moment sort of thing and Nick somewhat understood.

"I'm alright, it's early though." Nick said, stiffling a yawn.

Y/N nodded. "We're good yeah?"

"Sure we are," Nick said, "I have to forgive you cause otherwise you'll kill me." he added bluntly.

The two boys looked at each other before they shared a laugh as they walked, the sun rising behind them. Around Nick, Y/N felt like he could be himself again, be the cheerful and happy boy he once was before everything happened. With Harry, Ron and Hermione, Y/N had to keep up the F/N pretence around them and he had already ruined his bond between all three. However, with Nick, everything felt back to normal for the boy.

"You ready to Apparate?" Y/N asked Nick. The two of them were going to have a Muggle day out, with Nick taking Y/N to what the Muggles called a 'football match'. Nick nodded and grabbed Y/N's arm and within seconds, they arrived in an alleyway in London.

Both were dressed in Muggle attire, with Nick wearing just a denim jacket over a white t-shirt and jeans and Y/N wearing a black hoodie and jeans. The Y/N boy was able to revert to his old identity and there was no need for him to magically dye his hair blonde, he was back to his H/C hair.

The London streets were filled with workers rushing towards their jobs, it was still quite early and Y/N was merely just following Nick.

"How are you and Hermione doing?" Y/N asked, trying to make conversation. Part of him was jealous but he had accepted the fact that maybe Nick would be better for her.

Nick shrugged. "We're alright, no hard feelings?"

"No hard feelings," Y/N said, "plus I'm with Madison now."

He wasn't really sure whether he and Madison were really together. He did think she was quite attractive but their relationship wasn't as innocent and wholesome as his and Hermione's. It was more of a physical relationship, it helped to take Y/N's mind off Hermione.

Both him and Madison both had a lot in common, they were young, they were cold and they were both Death Eaters. Madison grew up in an evil household so she had no idea about society's constraints and saw murder as nothing but a fun hobby.

Both Y/N and Nick travelled down the road and stopped in a small cafe only to get some breakfast. They sat down and immediately, a waitress came up and took their orders.

"How can I help you?" a middle-aged woman in an apron asked.

Nick looked up from the menu. "Just a fry-up and a cup of tea please."

The woman nodded. "And what about you?"

"Uh..." Y/N squinted at the menu, "just the same as him."

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