15. The Forest Of Dean

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As I exited the room, I acted as nothing had happened. The Ministry workers were in chaos as news of Harry Potter's appearance at the Ministry had spread. I assumed they had left which gave me the challenge of trying to figure out where they went.

My first order of business was to remove the Trace from Tabitha, it was quite simple really. I just had to repeat what Voldemort had done for me. Secondly, I went and looked around to find the Snitch that Dumbledore had left me. I don't think Voldemort would know much about it so all I needed to do was to grab it and keep it to myself.

As I strolled through the Ministry, most people cowered at the sight of me. I smiled to myself, my cover as Voldemort's right-hand man was still intact. The only two who knew of my true loyalties on Voldemort's side were dead.

Once I was finished, I promptly left the Ministry with the Snitch and without a second glance. It wasn't really a place I wanted to be in, after what happened with Sirius and the disgusting statue of the Muggles, it made me feel sick.

Where would Hermione have gone?

Once I was away from everyone, I Apparated to Grimmauld Place but as I walked in, there was an eerie feeling. I called out for the other three but it seemed like they weren't there...

However, it did seem like something was inside so I took out my wand and walked cautiously. I could hear footsteps nearby and as I turned the corner I felt hands clasp around me.

I kicked around and as I was stronger, I managed to elbow my attacker in the face before turning and casting a spell that rendered him unconscious. I looked at him and recognised him as one of Voldemort's lower-ranked Death Eaters. I cast the Obliviate spell on him before dragging his body to an alleyway nearby.

After I was done, I racked my mind for ideas of where Hermione could've gone. I had a sickening feeling that something had gone wrong if a Death Eater had gotten access to Grimmauld Place. As I was thinking, my mind flashed back to all the stories she used to tell me.

Third Person's POV

Y/N's head was resting on Hermione's lap as the two of them were by the fireplace in the Gryffindor Common Room. They were both in their fourth year and it was just before Y/N's final Triwizard Tournament task.

"Are you worried?" Hermione asked Y/N in a delicate tone.

Y/N shook his head. "No, because I know you'll be waiting for me on the other side."

"I will," Hermione grinned, planting a small kiss on his forehead whilst continuing to stroke and play with his H/C hair, "it's a maze right?"

Y/N nodded. It was one of the rare moments where Hermione would talk about the tournament without frantically mentioning tactics and spells Y/N or Harry could use.

"It'll be like forest," Hermione giggled, "like the forest I used to go to with my parents."

"'Mione, a maze hardly compares to a forest." Y/N chuckled.

Hermione smiled. "I loved it, my parents used to take me camping there."

"Maybe one day you could take me there." Y/N said, his eyes looking adoringly into Hermione's chocolate orbs.

In that moment, the two love-sick teenagers knew they loved each other. But neither had to say it.

They just knew.

Flashback Over.


That singular conversation I had with Hermione prompted me to try and see if she was there. It was a long shot, but it was worth a try. Everything swirled around me and soon, I was standing in the middle of tall, towering trees. All around me were trees and wildlife with birds chirping above, I took a minute to absorb and appreciate this beautiful sight before trying to see if Hermione was here.

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