23. So We Meet Again

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At the end of it, Snape had given me permission to no longer have to show up to Hogwarts formally. I gave the Headmaster one final look before disappearing. The millions of thoughts that had flooded my mind were still there as I made my way to my next destination, Malfoy Manor. It would be wise of me to inform Voldemort of my departure from Hogwarts and tell him some made up story that would allow me to go ahead with my own business.

When I arrived at the Manor. I was greeted by no one, there was something off about the house. I had a sinking feeling that something was going on. I walked down the corridors until I was outside the door that lead to the drawing room. I could hear voices from inside, one prominent voice that stood out to me was Bellatrix's.

I straightened my suit, adjusting my tie before bursting through the grand doors. It took me a few mere seconds to scan the area and make sense of what was going on. Bellatrix looked ecstatic, Draco looked terrified, Lucius looked desperate and Narcissa worried. I looked briefly at the Snatchers who I had no care for. My eyes immediately darted towards the victims and I almost let out a gasp when I saw it was indeed Harry, Ron and Hermione. I looked at Hermione and she looked back at me. She looked tired, she looked like she had many sleepless nights and she looked terrified but nevertheless she was still the most beautiful girl I had ever had the pleasure to set my eyes on.

"What is going on here." I asked, demanding answers and enforcing a sense of authority that the others - bar Bellatrix - were instantly submissive to.

"I don't remember inviting you here to the party." Bellatrix snarled.

My stone cold gaze met hers. "I don't ever recall needing an invite Bellatrix," I said her name distastefully, "and if you must know, I was looking for my grandfather."

"He isn't here, but we were about to call him," Lucius proclaimed, looking at Draco, "is it them Draco? Think about everything, think about the Dark Lord's forgiveness."

Draco looked petrified, he was paler than he had ever been before. His voice was barely louder than a whisper. "I...I don't know."

In the time that Lucius was interrogating Draco about the three, Bellatrix had strolled over to where the Snatchers were and there was a loud bang which caused almost everyone to jump.

"Where did you get this sword?" she whispered to Greyback, one of the Snatchers. She had the sword of Gryffindor tightly gripped in her hand and Greyback bound by magic on the floor with the other Snatchers unconscious.

"How dare you?" he snarled, showing hispointed teeth. "Release me, woman!"

"Where did you find this sword?" she repeated, brandishing itin his face. "Snape sent it to my vault in Gringotts!"

"It was in their tent," rasped Greyback, "release me, I say!"

She waved her wand, and the werewolf sprang to his feet, but appeared too wary to approach her.

"Draco, move this scum outside," said Bellatrix, indicating to the Snatchers, "if you haven't got the guts to finish them, then leave them in the courtyard for me. Go with him." she added, looking at me.

"You do not have the authority to command me like that." I replied, my voice laced with subtle aggression. "And I think I'd quite like to stay."

"Fine." Bellatrix almost screamed. "Draco. Out!"

Draco scampered off and with the help of his mother, he removed the Snatchers - minus Greyback.

"If it is indeed Potter, he must not be harmed." Bellatrix muttered, more to herself than to the rest of us. "The Dark Lord wishes to dispose of Potter himself."

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