6. Return To Grimmauld Place

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Chaos exploded around me as I quickly locked around for Kieran. I knew that Axel would probably stick around Nick and the Weasleys so they would be safe but Kieran had gone off, presumably to find that girl he was talking to.

"KIERAN!" I yelled but he was nowhere in sight. I scrambled around the panicked guests but there was no sign of the dark-haired boy.

In the end, I realised that maybe Kieran had gone off with the girls' family and had found safety so my best bet was to disappear from the scene before Death Eaters arrived. I closed my eyes and Disapparated away from the Burrow to a random field in the middle of nowhere.

I closed my eyes and exhaled, what was I supposed to do now?

I walked around the field, trying to figure out where I was. If this was the first location that came to mind, then surely it would've had some relevance to me. The fields were empty and the sky was dark as I wandered around, trying to decipher where on earth I was.

"Excuse me young man, are you lost?" a voice from behind asked.

I turned around and looked at who was speaking to me. It was an old woman who was looking at me with concerned eyes.

"No ma'am," I replied, "just needed some fresh air."

She nodded and took that as an answer before walking away. I watched her leave before continuing to walk towards a road that was dimly lit by some streetlights.

Suddenly, everything became familiar to me. This was an area near Hermione's house that we had briefly walked past when I went over to her house and stayed with her. I smiled bittersweetly to myself, reminiscing the memories. How I wished everything could go back to simplier times.

I closed my eyes to inhale some of the fresh night air but then something happened.

Someone had said Voldemort's name. He had made his own name Taboo meaning that whenever anyone said the word 'Voldemort' Death Eaters would be notified of the location of whoever said that.

I decided to check out who had said it and Apparated to the location. It was just outside a cafe in London and there was no way to look inside. I slowly walked towards the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. I pressed my ears against the door to listen into the hushed whispers.

"Someone's at the door..."

"I think it was just the wind Ron."

Everything clicked in my mind, this was where the Golden Trio had disappeared off to after the wedding.

"How did they know where we were?" said a voice I recognised to be Ron.

"You-you don't think you've still got your Trace on you, do you, Harry?"

"He can't have,, the Trace breaks at seventeen, that's Wizarding law, you can't put it on an adult."

"As far as you know. What if the Death Eaters have founda way to put it on a seventeen-year-old?"

"But Harry hasn't been near a Death Eater in the last twenty-four hours. Who's supposed to have put a Trace back on him?"

I knew Hermione would suspect me, because indeed Harry had been near a Death Eater in the last twenty-four hours, he had been around one a couple hours ago.

"If I can't use magic, and you can't use magic near me, without us giving away our position-" Harry began in a hushed whisper.

"We're not splitting up!"

"We need a safe place to hide, give us time to think things through."

"Grimmauld Place."

"Don't be silly, Harry, Snape can get in there!"

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