Thank You

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And there we have it. After 4 years, 7 books and 209 chapters, the Hermione Granger series is complete. I started writing this book on the 28th July 2019 and now it is 5th August 2023.

I would have never imagined my books would get as much attention as they have and for that I will be eternally grateful.

I have been a Harry Potter fan ever since I picked up the books when I was 7 years old - still am even over 10 years later. Emma Watson (especially as Hermione Granger) was my first celebrity crush. Hence it was only fitting that I lived out my Hogwarts fantasy through words and channel the jealousy I felt knowing that I could not go to Hogwarts at the same time as Hermione Granger into a book, a book hopefully everyone could enjoy.

It's been a long journey, filled with long hiatuses, incredibly inconsistent updates and ups and downs in the plot. To each and every reader who has stayed until the end, thank you. I will forever be indebted to all of you for giving my stories some attention and letting me share my creativity with the world. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading.

I would like to also say thank you to my friends who have helped me countless times whilst completing the series. Writing this series brought me to them, so this series is something I will always treasure. Thank you to:
Nick - CobrasPhantom
Tom - imthebaddude
Sel - -we-are-infinite-
Peace - PeaceByFreak20
Sam - ElectricZenith
Gabs - HedaSbish
Maru - wonhosmila
And many more!

This may not be the end of my created Harry Potter universe - but for now, thank you so much for all your support. I hope you have enjoyed reading this story as much as I have writing it.

All the best,

The Deathly Hallows | Hermione Granger x Male Reader (Book Seven)Where stories live. Discover now