9. Dealing With Muggles

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I made my way to where Nick, Axel and Kieran were at Shell Cottage and knocked on the door before walking in, Ginny had gone to help Mrs Weasley out. I had told the Order that I was planning to stay for a while longer before I ultimately had to return to Malfoy Manor and face Voldemort.

"Hey everyone!" I said, looking at the three who were playing Exploding Snap. I casted a spell around the rook to prevent any eavesdropping.

"Y/N!" Kieran greeted.

Axel smiled. "Hey man, how are you?"

"Could be better," I shrugged, "like always. I see you're playing Exploding Snap."

Nick nodded. "Want me to deal you in next round?"

I nodded and sat down to watch what was going on. All three of them seems absolutely fascinated by the concept of this game. I couldn't blame them, they had all grown up around Muggles and magic was new and intriguing to them.

"So what have the Order done about you guys?" I asked.

Axel replied. "Mr Weasley spoke to this woman named McGonagall who said I would be able to receive some sort of tuition at Hogwarts. Obviously I'm a bit more advanced than first year level but I'm not as good as the people in my year. That means I'll get private lessons once in a while just to learn the basics."

I nodded before turning to Nick who merely just shrugged. "Probably just hang around the Weasleys, Kieran will be here as well.

Kieran nodded. "I'm doing a bit more research though, but this time with accurate books that some people from the Order were kind enough to let me borrow."

He pointed to a desk which was filled with all his notes and scribbles and books.

"What about you?" Kieran asked. "What are your plans?"

"Well I'm staying here for a while longer but then I have to go back to Malfoy Manor." I told them.

"Back to your grandfather who hates the girl you love who's currently Nick's girlfriend?" Axel said with a smirk.

Nick and I both rolled our eyes.

"That's one way to put it." I said with a scoff.

"So what's he going to make you do this time?" Nick asked.

I shrugged. "I've been MIA for a while so he'll probably want me to explain-"

"-what are you going to tell him?" Kieran asked curiously.

"Probably just that I had to deal with stuff, I'll make it up when I get there." I replied.

"Stay safe mate." Nick said and I nodded gratefully.

"You three stay safe as well yeah? I'll see Axel soon at Hogwarts but I'll come visit Nick and Kieran as often as I can."

"You really do have a soft spot for us don't you?" Axel said cheekily.

"Obviouslly," Nick said plainly, "otherwise he would've killed us by now."

All four of us laughed in unison before spending the rest of the time that I had playing Exploding Snap and talking at the same time. I had learnt about their childhood and they had learnt about mine, back when everything was simplier.

When it was time to depart, I made my way downstairs and my mother was there.

"Mum," I said with a polite nod, "I'm going now."

She looked at me sadly but nodded. "You'll stay safe won't you Y/N?"

"I promise." I said, before embracing my mother in a hug.

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