13. Mischief At The Ministry

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I had faced the challenge of packing everything that I could possibly need to help Hermione and the others out with their task at the Ministry. I had tied up all loose ends and came up with a false alibi as to why I would be leaving Hogwarts for a bit.

"When will you return?" Draco questioned me as I slung my backpack over my shoulder.

I shrugged. "Soon."

I waved goodbye to Draco and met up with both the Carrow siblings, giving them a respectful nod as I made my way to the border of the school before Apparating away.

Instantly, I arrived at the front of Grimmauld Place and knocked on the door, waiting to be greeted. Hermione greeted me and threw herself forward and hugged me before inviting me in. All the jinxes set in place for Snape all passed through me and I was free to walk around the house.

"So what's the plan?" I asked curiously, sat at the kitchen table.

"We're going tomorrow," Hermione told me, "apparently we know enough to infiltrate the Ministry."

Their plan certainly was ambitious but I didn't comment.

"You're not going though." Ron said protectively.

Hermione's eyes widened. "Why not?"

Ron jabbed his finger to an outdated Daily Prophet. "You're on the list of Muggle-borns they want to interrogate!"

"And you're supposed to be at home, dying of spattergroit." I countered, this was Ron's excuse to not be showing up to Hogwarts.

"Not to mention I've got a bounty on my head," Harry said dryly, "well isn't this amazing?"

It took Hermione a mere half-hour to conjure up a fully-functioning plan that would allow the four of us to infiltrate the Ministry.

"Why are we going anyways?" I asked, they hadn't let me into why they wanted to break into the Ministry which was completely dominated by Voldemort's reign.

"For the locket," Harry said quickly, "Kreacher found Mundungus who said that he sold it to Umbridge-"

"-oh that bitch." I growled. Her treatment of us and other students made me very partial to the idea of killing her.

I looked around at Hermione, Harry and Ron. Two of them had determined faces whilst one looked down at the ground, refusing to make eye contact with me.

"Can't I just go get it for you?" I suggested.

"And what? Take it for yourself?" Ron shot back.

I sighed, I wasn't going to have this argument with Ron again. Instead, I was going to leave him be and avoid confrontation.

The next morning, we were all prepared and I had woken up at the crack of dawn before everyone just to witness the sunrise outside.

It was so pure, so calming. It was everything that was the opposite of me. I craned my neck to watch the end of the sunrise, sighing contently to myself.

In fleeting moments like this, this was where I found little moments of geniune joy.

"Are you ok?" Hermione appeared, standing next to me with a cup of tea in hand.

I nodded.

There was silence between us but how I longed to pull her towards me and kiss her. But that would be too disrespectful towards Nick, and I had surprisingly found a friend in him and I really didn't want to lose our friendship.

The moment arrived when all four of us arrived in London, everything happened in super-speed. Hermione executed everything perfectly, and before we knew it we had four Ministry workers right in front of us, stunned.

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