17. The New DA

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The next day, on my agenda, was to catch up with a few old friends before trying to uncover what was going on within Hogwarts. The bigger picture was that Snape was now running the school where no Muggle-borns were allowed and that the lessons were predominantly based around the Dark Arts. However, there was something else happening in the school, there was this rebellion rising up with the DA and I wanted to know what was going on.

Call me nosy but I just needed an understanding of what was going on around me in order to make sure I made the smartest and most logical decisions.

Once I finished breakfast, I made my way to Professor McGonagall's office since she still worked here, although she was heavily mistreated by the Carrow siblings.

I knocked on her door and waited for her to invite me in.

"L/N, what can I do for you?" McGonagall asked me, looking at me through her glasses.

I looked at her. "Good morning Professor, I was just wondering if you'd heard from a friend of mine, Axel Smith."

Professor McGonagall beamed at me. "He's been making excellent progress, I've been teaching him privately and he's been doing very well."

"Will you be seeing him soon?" I asked.

"As a matter of fact," McGonagall said, glancing at a clock, "he should be here relatively soon for morning lessons."

Just on time, there was a knock on the door and once McGonagall had beckoned them to enter, I saw that it was Axel, a large smile on his face.

"Y/N!" he said brightly, I knew we only met a few months ago, but he was a good guy and he had so far been a good friend.

"Axel, Professor McGonagall's been telling me that you've been doing very well." I said with a grin.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I have. I reckon I could beat you in a duel soon."

"Not a chance." I said, "Have you heard from the others?"

The boy shook his head.

Professor McGonagall interjected.  "Mail is being watched at this school, so it's not safe to communicate through letters here. Although, the last time I heard, I believe your friends are doing fine."

"Do you mind if I talk to Axel for a bit Professor?" I asked McGonagall nicely.

"That's fine Mr L/N."

I thanked her before the two of us left. We made our way to the edge of the Forbidden Forest where no one was bound to see us because I knew that it would probably prompt a lot of questions from Draco if he saw me talking to Axel.

"So how's things at this school?" I asked him.

Axel replied. "It's good, I made some friends. Their names are Sam and Luna."

"Sam?" I said curiously. "What's his surname?"

"Auras, Sam Auras." Axel replied. "Why? Do you know him?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Vaguely..." I muttered as a reply.

"So how are things with you?" Axel asked me.

"Do you want the censored or uncensored version?" I joked.

Axel chuckled. "Give me the uncensored, I can handle it."

So, like he wished, I told him everything that had happened to me since the wedding.

"Dude...you're fucked up." he commented.

"I know." I replied plainly.

Axel looked at me sympathetically. "I'm sorry you have to go through all of this."

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