Part 25

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Alice P.O.V

"oh come on, we're friends! you're not even friends with them." he says with a smirk.

"you know that's a lie Vic." i say straighten my back up.

"oh come on! you're the princess soon to be queen of vampires, and claim too be friends with them?" he says with a smart ass voice. "you. are. worthless."

Vic and i use to date a while back when i was attending my school, but when he was given the job of a reaper, he became depressed and ignores me. then he started becoming a playfully mean person.

"fuck you." i then run up to him and try to tackle him down but fail.

"haha, you are really are worthless." he started kicking me in the stomach multiple times.

Harry P.O.V

each time he kicked her i could see and feel her pain... i cant just stand here and watch.

"STOP!" i shout sprinting up to Alice.

"HAHAHA, i see you have made a friend." he says looking at Alice. "funny..." he then sends a red lighting bolt at me, sending me flying in the air.

Alice P.O.V

"Hey! leave... him... alone... you asshole!" i then get up coughing up black blood.

"awwww, is he your boyfriend?" he says laughing. " that's cute Alice... it really is, does he know you re going to break his heart too?"

"i would never hurt him."

"i know you would hurt him if you could." he says with a devilish smile.

"what the fuck do you mean by that?" i say pissed off.

"you're a cold, vampire who turned them into them the beasts they are." i look down thinking about the words he had just said.

"i didn't mean it... it wasn't the real me." i say.

"its ok Alice, we know that it was the real you. a bitch." he says laughing.

"You find his pain funny, you find my pain funny. that's why you never really loved me... isn't it? you just don't feel love, or pain. i felt pain when you ignored me! i felt hurt!" i shout at him making fists.

"You know i would never find your pain funny, never in a million years would i ever find your pain that funny." he says serious.

"Oh, cut the crap, you just caused me pain there and you laughed.."i say straighten my back up. "come on then... fight." i say seriously.

"I... cant... i cant hurt you... i cant kill you." he says looking me in the eye.

"you caused me pain... too much pain for me to forgive you." i then run up to him and twist his head off... he didn't even try to move... "I'm... sorry... my love..." i honestly have always loved him but we were just to different. i then see a photo in his pocket, the photo was of me and him before he became currupted... i look away with black tears in my eyes.

"Alice!" i then see Abi running up to me. (if you cant remember she is from chapter 14, i kinda forgot about her)

"Abi, is Harry ok?" i ask.

"no, not really, one of your nurses have brought him into the medical section of the castle.

"how do you know we have a medical section in our castle?" i ask confused.

"well its kinda been like 6 or 7 days so i got bored so i got up to get food everyday and then i would look around." she says helping me up.

"oh, ok." i say looking back at my high school love. "can you do me a favor?"

"yeah, what is it?" Abi asks.

"drag is body to the cemetery around the back of this castle.

"um... what about his head?" she points a the head across the floor.

"bring it with you." i then walk into the castle and up to my room.

"why must i be like this?" i look down at my hands that are covered in black soul.

i get up and take a quick shower, once i get out i walked straight up to my walk in closet.

"what to wear?" i mumble to my self.

i then grab my black ripped skinny jeans, and my white blouse with lace at the end of the sleeves.

"all good." i look at myself.

i look over at my mirror, but like always. nothing showing up.

"i wonder what i look like right now?" i think.

i walk over to make-up.

"where is it?"i then find my mirror that has a cast on it to let me see my face only.

"yep, still ugly as ever." i say laughing to myself.

i then put my eyeliner on and a little black eye shadow, with red lipstick.

"well at least i don't look like a plane crash... i just look lie a bus crash." i say.

i walk over to where i do my hair.

"new color?" i then place my hand on my head and change the color to blonde, my vampire hair is still red though. " better."

i quickly run down stairs to the medical section to see harry.

"Hello?" i look around but i couldn't see anyone. "Harry?" i then see one of the rooms with the blinds closed.

i opened the door to see a sick looking Harry.

"what has he down..." i walk up to him and i could see he was still breathing... he isn't a vampire anymore...

"he's in a coma." Abi comes in whipping her hands in her skinny jeans.

"Ok..." i say moving around the room to drag a chairs next to him.

"I'll leave you." Abi says closing the door.

"I'm sorry... i should have never let you stay here, i shouldn't have turned you... this is all my fault." i say crying over his body. "I have heard that if you're in a coma and someone is talking to you, you can hear them so I'm not going to say anything embarrassing. but i want you to know that i love you... and thank you for being here but I'm going to go pack up your stuff. i just cant have you here when I'm killed and you have almost been killed twice. I'm sorry." i then stand up but his hand grabs my wrist. "Harry?" i look at his hand but it then lets go.

i think for a second, before kissing his lips. then i notice i wasn't the only one awake in this room. Harry was now awake too.

"you don't have to pack up anything of mine." he says breaking the kiss.

"i don't want to lose you and you have to get back to your life." i say stroking his cheek.

"please don't..." he says hugging me.

"wow, you must have banged your head hard." i say laughing and feeling his head.

he just laughed and pulled him up next to him on the bed where we just lay there hugging each other... i just want to stay this way forever well at least until i run out of time.

I turned them (one direction- Harry) book 1Where stories live. Discover now