Part 27

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Alice POV (almost all of the rest of the book is going to be in her p.o.v)

3 days has past since that all happened. Abi has grown attached Zayn, they often walk around the garden together and we just see them laughing and recently she held his hand while walking

we haven't seen much of Kate or Louis but last time i saw them she finally kissed him... that was 2 days ago... we often hear strange sounds from their room... so i don't even want to go up there and check on them, but i kinda have too because i don't want anything bad to happen because they haven't even eaten!

the Little girl we took in has been doing great, she is learning how to eat and cook probably, she seems to have gotten over her parents, but i really don't think she is OK, i think she is trying to be brave.

i was just pacing the kitchen wondering if i should got check up on kate and louis, part of me says NO, yet part of me says yes...

"Alice?" i turned to see Niall standing there.

"hey." i say.

"i just knocked on Louis and Kate's door and there was no reply... you should go check on them, i don't really want to." he says turning a bit red.

"ok, I'll go check on them." i say laughing and walking fast up the stairs.

i loudly knocked on the door so they could here me.

"who is it?!" i here a panicked katelynn voice.

"its me Alice, I'm coming in so cover yourselves." i say opening the door.

when i walked in it was only katelynn sitting on the edge of her bed fully clothed, and a confused look on her face.

"where is Louis?" i asked.

"I'm not sure last i saw of him was about 2 days ago when we kissed." she says blushing.

"where is he then?"

"i don't know." katelynn replied worried.

"come on." i walked down the hall and as i walked i used my powers to open the doors just to save time, so as i walked the door flung open and kate checked them behind me.

"he's not in any of them." katelynn says getting even more worried.

"he has to be here somewhere... just where he is, i don't know." i tell her.

"come on we have to find him."she says grabbing my hand and pulling me forcefully.

"stop." i tell her after we looked through the WHOLE castle.

"no." she says.

"there is one thing i can do to find him..." i tell her.

"what is it?" she asks me almost begging me to tell her.

"i guess i can give you the last piece of the love section in my heart, when i give it to you, you can see where he is and get him back." i tell her sadly.

"what will happen to you?" she asked.

"I'm not sure... i guess i just cant love ever again... just tell Harry that im sorry for being such a bitch." with that i place my hand over where the heart lays and i start saying the words.

"Ego tibi cor fovere et alice invenias amore louis. si moriar, benedicam eis , amica mea. mea vita beata est, non ut meam . Fruantur ipsi non patiar illum habitare suis ambulant . eos in silentio agere et amare semper."

then i took my hand and placed it on Kate's heart.

"cherish it." then i passed out.

hey guys! thank you so much for 1.22k this means so much to me! i love you guys!

here is the translation for that Latin part if you wanted to know.

i alice give you my heart to cherish and find your love, louis. if i shall die, give them my blessing, my love, my heart. my their lives be happy, as mine was not. let them enjoy themselves allow them to live their live as i did not. let them live in peace and love forever more.

i hope you enjoyed it!!

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