Part 21

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Alice P.O.V

I finally felt like i could move and be keep the ones i care a bit for safe.

i had just finished catching a deer for a drink when i turned around and saw a woman who looked exactly like me walking into the castle... Harry, i have to save him.... i mean i have to save them, everyone.

i took off as fast as i could to get to the castle. 

then that's when my world came tumbling down.

a shout of pain was heard from the house... it was harry...

"NO! i shout making the ground shake. i then turned into my bat to get there even faster.... well i thought it was my bat, but i was for some reason a dragon... this has never happened before, only way back has this ever happened.

it was said a vampire and a human had a love connection stronger than any others,but the town people found out the human was in love and pregnant with the vampire. so they killed her at the stake. the vampire was furious and yelled a mighty yell and turned into a dragon and burned the whole town down.

lord knows what a princess could do.

i flew at super speed through the forest and my razor sharp wings cutting all the tops of trees off.

when i reached the castle i had a bad feeling rising.

i changed back into a normal vampire.

"Harry!" i shout looking everywhere. 

"Alice!" i then see Louis running up to me with katelynn holding hands.

"what happened?" i ask annoyed "where is Harry?" 

"hes in the room there." he says pointing to a room that i had not had to go in for years... my parents room.

"why? why is he in there?" i say walking up to the shut door.

"i don't know he shouted and suddenly the door slammed. i think he was with someone." he says, that last part made me considered.

"shit." i try to open the door but i was locked from the inside.

"Alice... help..." i could hear harry and then a evil laugh... Susana...

"Susana, leave him alone... come out here and leave him alone, fight with me." i say backing away from the door.

then it opened reveling a pissed off susa.

"what do you want bitch." i ask folding my arms.

"oh come on sis, lighten up! I'm just having a bit of fun." she says moving to the side showing Harry on the floor... bleeding?

"why is he bleeding, what did you do?" i say pissed off walking up to her.

"sis, i didn't do anything, you did." he smirked but i slapped her hard across the face.

"you bitch!" she than jumped on top off me and tried to yank my head off.

"play nice sis." she says laughing and jumped off of me." don't worry i will be coming back to witness your death soon." she then takes off and disappeared outside.

"Harry!" i sprint over to him. "oh god please tell you're alive!" i checked for a heart beat... nothing... 

"whats happening?" Katelynn asked crying.

"... please leave the room for a minute... i have to do something." i get up and gave Kate a hug and pushed them out the door leaving them confused u shit the door and locked it.

"i knew that bitch wouldn't stay away forever..." i sat next to the now lifeless body of Harry Styles. i then gave him a kiss on the head and allowed a blood tear to flow.

"I'm sorry i didn't have time to tell you, i think i love you..." i then stood up and placed my hand over where my beating heart use to be.

"Hear my now,

hear me well,

i give my life to, 

this human,

this man,

Harry Styles,

please save him from death,

save him from everything,



then i took my hand off my heart and placed my hand on his chest. 

the world around me Began to become dark.

but before my world became dark i heard a voice. 

"not your time yet."

then i saw Harry's amazing eyes than my light finally went out.

I turned them (one direction- Harry) book 1Where stories live. Discover now