Part 3

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Alice pov.

"ow..." i say rolling over in pain holding the place that just got kicked by one of those idiots.

i slowly opened my eyes only to meet by a pair of green but debatable blue eyes.

"um... who are you? where am i?" i say confused.

"you... you turned us... into..." one of them started to say but i cut him off.

"vampires... I'm so sorry... My vampire came out and i cant control it, my vampire is royal so it thinks it can do whatever it wants whenever... I'm... I'm really sorry, you must want to kill me... again." i say knowing they could never really kill me, I'm already dead so...

"you're going to pay for this." one of them says i think it was the one with the really dark hair.

"please don't! i can help you control the powers." i try.

"nope you done." the boy next to me says.

"shit!" i quickly get up causing my head to have a major migraine. "OW!" i crying falling down. i can feel, cry, and bleed when I'm in human form.

"are you OK?" one of them says extending his hand to help me up. "I'm Louis. You are?"

"Alice... Alice Blood Heart." i take his hand, he helps me balance. "thank you... you might want to move though my vampire needs to come out."

they ALL move.

all my body was burning but it soon ended. luckily the sun was not over the trees yet so the sun didn't hurt me.

"wow..." Louis says "you're beautiful... oh my, did i say that out loud?"

"yes... yes you did and thanks... bye now." i say running off. my vampire looks a Little different to my human. my vampire has really red lips bright red eyes due to me being royal. my human has blue eyes and pinkish lips. i have some tattoos. i have long blonde hair in human form and red hair in vampire form.

"GET BACK HERE!" curly says.

"Catch me curly!" i say laughing.

i then take off vampire speed... i ran far.. far away from them... to my castle.

I turned them (one direction- Harry) book 1Where stories live. Discover now