1. Intro

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Alice woke up with a taste... A need... for blood, she had dined on a deer hours before, but it had not fulfilled her needs. now all she need was blood, and that's what she will get... nice... refreshing blood.

Alice got out of her coffin in her room and ran vampire speed to the cemetery where drunks go at night.

When she got the she was not even a little out of breath not even her ribs hurt only her throat was dry as the Sahara desert.

She then saw 4 no 5 scrumptious looking males all around 5'7. their blood was looking fantastic to Alice at this point. so she attacked. the first four boys were easy but when it came to the fifth she felt guilty... and something she had never felt before... the need to love. but that didn't stop her she bit into his neck and drank, but she couldn't stop, well until one of them started moving that was.
That's when she ran as fast as she could before she tripped and knocked her head on one of the tomb stones knocking her out.

I turned them (one direction- Harry) book 1Where stories live. Discover now