Part 23

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Alice POV 

i ran up into my secret room, this room is where i go to sing and dance, most of the music is dark wave but i do listen to other music. (watch the video attached)

i lock the door and walk over to my speaker set to play music. as i was going through my music i heard a knock on the door.

"what... do you want..." i say walking to the door.

"can i come in?" It was a Irish voice, Niall.

"Oh its you, yeah sure, you can come in." i say opening the door.

"hey, wow this is a nice room... its really modern for a old castle." he says walking around the studio in amazement. 

"This castle has a lot of secrets." i say laughing a little.

"really, could you show me?" he says with a smirk on his face.

"maybe, i will if you wipe that smirk off you face. i will show you one day, just not today. sorry." i say walking back over to the amp.

"you know Harry really likes you right?" he  says walking over to me.

"i figured that much..." i say placing my ipod down.

"can i?" he asks pointing towards my acoustic guitar.

"of course." i say.

he grabs it softly and sits on a stool near him, i sit on another stool near me.

"I wont let these little things

Slip out of my mouth

but if It's true

It's you

It's you

They add up to

I'm in love with you

And all these little things

You'll never love yourself

Half as much as I love you

You'll never treat yourself right darling

But I want you to

If I let you know

I'm here for you

Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you


he then finished his song he was singing.

"wow..." i say clapping.

"ha ha, sorry." he says chuckling placing the guitar back down.

"please, don't apologize. that was amazing." i say standing up. "who were you singing about?" i ask.

"just a girl..." he says sounding pained.

"I'm sorry that was rude of me." i apologize.

"haha, its OK." he says straighten his back.

"thank you for that. i appreciate it. it really has made me feel better." i hug him.

"its OK." he says.

"if you ever need to talk to me, let me know." i say walking back to were i was sitting before.

"thank you, i would like to talk to you even when i leave." he says smiling.


the doorbell went off, so i get up.

"who could that be?" Niall asked.

"i have no idea."

"it might be... zayn or liam?" Niall says.

we quickly run to the door. 

when i opened it two males shown up.

Liam and Zayn I'm assuming.

more peopl... vampires.

I turned them (one direction- Harry) book 1Where stories live. Discover now