YouTube Equals Very Famous?

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James' POV = Saturday 26th of September

The rest of the week passed easily and soon it was Saturday. The day of the Talent Contest. Lauran, Suzan and I were the judges. The others went and got the girls while I went and got Kristy. She was pacing back and forth in her room in her underwear when I opened the door. She quickly grabbed the blanket and covered herself before screaming...

'Don't you know how to knock? Oh it's just you.' She sighed. 'What are you here for little bird?'

'Little bird?'

'Yes you told Suzan about me singing. So I have to kill you now.' She pounced at me not realising she was half-naked. We wrestled around on her bed before she got off me and realised she was half-naked.

I laughed. 'Ok, Ok,' I said wiping a fake tear away. 'The reason I was here was to see if you were ready which I guess not. But I also wanted to give you your other birthday present. It's really late but it's better late than never. So here it is.'

I pulled out the ring box and opened it to show a silver ring with three diamonds and three amethysts in a pattern inside the ring itself. Kristy gasped. I put it on her finger and she admired it.

'This is a promise ring.' She put it on next to her first ring I gave her. 'With this I promise to always be there for you and will not hurt you in anyway.' She gave me a hug.

She searched through her wardrobe to find a purple and silver dress and purple shoes to match she got into the dress and I zipped it up for her. She slipped into the shoes before getting me to attach the necklace I had given her. We walked out in silence. I glanced over to see her moving her ring around her finger. I could tell she was nervous. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before showing her into the room where the girls were waiting. Freya, Olivia, Simone, April, Aimee and Sarah were all there waiting.

I left the room and Kristy sat down with Freya before I was out of eyeshot. I went into the auditorium. Suzan and Lauran were already seated and were looking over the list. Freya was first followed by April, Sarah, Aimee, Simone, Olivia and then Kristy. We waited until Lauran called the first person out, Freya. She came out and stood on the stage with the microphone to her mouth. The chords to "Over My Head" by The Fray started.

'But that's how it's got to be

It's coming down to nothing more than apathy

I'd rather run the other way than stay and see

The smoke and who's still standing when it clears

Everyone knows I'm in

Over my head

Over my head

With eight seconds left in overtime

She's on your mind

She's on your mind

Let's rearrange

I wish you were a stranger I could disengage

Just say that we agree and then never change

Soften a bit until we all just get along

But that's disregard

Find another friend and you discard

As you lose the argument in a cable car

Hanging above as the canyon comes between

Everyone knows I'm in

Over my head

Over my head

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