Meeting Jamie Louise

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Kristy's POV

James finished "Don't want to miss a thing" and all the girls wolf whistled him apart from me. OK he may have been good. Then the bell went.

'Kristy I need you to stay back please?' James said. Great alone with James, Again.

Everyone left and it was James and I alone.

'Kristy please talk to me.'

'What is there to talk about?' I said still not making eye contact with him. 'Oh and you we actually pretty good.'

'Kristy just hear me out Ok?' I looked at him. 'I didn't mean to hurt your feelings with anything I have said or done. Please just forgive me. If it's because of Olivia. I don't care about her I care about you.'

My eyes met his and I spoke. 'Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.' And I walked out. I had made it to my room and then I broke down, Why did I just do this to the man I think I love? Why does this always seem to happen just when I am having feelings for someone?

He just had to be such a smart arse with all of those comments. If he actually wanted to be my boyfriend he should know more about me. He should know that sarcasm really pisses me off. It also really doesn't do anything to anyone. I mean it is really funny at times but when you’re trying to be serious. Come on. I went to bed and hoped everything would turn out tomorrow.

James' POV

What am I going to do with her? She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and also one of the smartest I have met. So now I need to find a way to make it up to her before our date on Saturday. I need a way to make her forgive me but how? I might as well ring my sister she should know what a girl would want for a "please forgive me" present. Being a girl. I flicked through my contacts on my phone it seems I haven't called Jamie in three months. I promised her I would call every month I just hope she will forgive me as easily as she usually does.

After a few dial tones she picked up. (A/N ok I use initials so I will do J for James and JL for Jamie Louise)

JL: Hello

J: Hey Jay. Sorry I haven't called sooner.

JL: It's okay JJ. I forgive you. What do you want?

J: Ok Jay if a boy did something really bad to a girl. What should he get her to make it better?

JL: Hm JJ did you hurt your girlfriend?

J: She isn’t my girlfriend yet Jay she was more than a friend though.

JL: Oooh JJ is in LOVE!!!

J: I am Jay. I am in love with her but earlier we had a big fight and she was very angry at me. So if I was to buy her a gift what should I get her?

JL: Ok what is her name and favourite colour and birthday?

J: Ok her name is Kristy, her favourite colour is… I don't know, and her birthday is in four days so it is the 12th of September.

JL: So you either get her a necklace with her name on it, a ring with a "K" on it or according to this guide for girls a necklace with a two hearts, one that is a gem and the other silver and diamonds or diamond like gems.

J: What? Ok so how does the second necklace have anything to do with anything?

JL: It is actually very easy to understand JJ. Her name begins with a "K" which means the necklace should be silver because it is in the first half of the alphabet. The coloured gem has to be a cold colour by her name having an even number of letters. And the diamonds is because she is a girl and diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Hee Hee Hee!!

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