Stories, Music and New Students

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Kristy's POV = Wednesday 15th September

I walked to English with my first three chapters, blurb and prologue of my story for James I hand. I walked into the room to see James there with still a hint of a black eye from Sunday. Luckily for us girls there is such thing as concealer. (A/N I know what that's like when I was eight, I had a black eye the day before school picture day :|) I sat down at my usual seat and Olivia and April walked in together.

'Ok girls, I am going to collect your work at the end of the day.' James started. ‘So for today we will be reading out the blurb of our stories and to add to the drama I am also writing as story because the publisher must have two stories. So who would like to go first? Olivia.' James said as Olivia worked her way to the front of the room. 

'Well I was given the topic of love to exceed all boundaries. The title is "You do actually care" and the blurb goes like this.' Olivia started talking about her blurb and we politely applauded at the end. All of the other girls went until it was just me left. I went to the front and got ready to speak.

James' POV

Kristy came up the front and I am wondering what she did with my subject I gave her.

'I was given the topic of forbidden love. The title is "An Unnecessary Love" and this is the blurb. Princess Sandy and Prince Blaine have been best friends for twelve years until her father remarries and they moved to another part of the kingdom. Five years pass and Sandy is turning eighteen in three months. Blaine is eighteen and is being forced to choose a bride on the day of the ball on Sandy's birthday. Sandy's father then informs her that Blaine has been really mean and broken girls’ hearts. Sandy reacts and doesn't believe that this is the same guy she knew five years ago. She dresses up as a castle help and try to change him back. Blaine then sees this castle hand "Sandra" and falls in love with her. Does he find out who she really is? Does Sandy change him? And do the end together?' She finished and we all applauded. She did better than I expected with the subject. She went and sat down and Olivia smiled sweetly at her. Maybe she has changed. Kristy smiled back and then smiled at me.

'Nice going girls they all sound good.' I looked at my watch and saw that we still had six minutes of class. 'Ok so my story is based on the topic of Romantic Comedy. I didn't choose it I did an online survey. So mine is called "Diary of a Wimpy God" and it is based on a god falling in love with a human.' Just then the bell rang. 'Ok please put you papers on my desk on the way out or email it to me the moment you get back to your dorm.'

All of the girls came and placed their stories on my desk and left the room swiftly. Once all the girls had left I gathered up the papers and my laptop and walked back to my room. I had only just put my papers and laptop down on my desk in my room when.

'James Taylor please come to my office immediately.'

I walked up to the main office and into Principal Lauran's office to see a girl with auburn hair sitting in one of the chairs.

'Ah James,' Lauran started. 'This is Freya Sutter, she has just arrived from Australia I want you to take her to Kristy Stuart's room and introduce them and get Freya settled in.' She turned to Freya. 'This is James Taylor, your English teacher. Now you may leave guys.'

Freya and I walked out of the office and I lead her down the corridors' and into our dorm area then to Kristy's room. I knocked on the door and Kristy opened it.

Kristy's POV

I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see James and an auburn haired girl standing with him.

'Professor Taylor, what can I do for you?' I asked.

'Oh it's James and Kristy this is Freya, Freya this is Kristy your roommate.' YES!! I GET A ROOMMATE!!

James invited himself in and Freya followed. Once inside James said goodbye and left leaving Freya and I in my room.

'Hi Freya, I'm Kristy Stuart.'

'Hi Kristy I'm Freya Sutter and I have just moved here from Australia.'

'Australia? Cool I was wondering why you have an accent. Is your Dad in the army or something?'

'Yeah. He is a member of the FBI, We move a lot regarding that.' OMG Her Dad's in the FBI!

'So did you want help getting your stuff?'

'Nah it’s getting moved in tonight as we sleep. Dad said so.'

I didn’t reply to that but went on doing my homework as Freya went and explored the school. I went to bed around ten after doing some more of my story for English. I woke up the next morning to see my bruise had softened and was now not to sore to touch. I still put some concealer on it. Freya had already woken up and was running on the treadmill. Wait hold on a second. We have a Treadmill?

'Hey Freya, What’s with the treadmill?'

'Dad likes me keeping fit so he got one for me. Do you mind if I put some music on?'

'Go for it. My iPod's on the chest or…' She pulled out an iPad mini. 'You have your own.'

'Dad has connected our account to his credit card so I have all the newest songs.' She started playing some song that I had no idea what it was.

'What is this song?' I asked her.

'"Pie Gotta Fly." It's by the hosts of this TV channel ABC3. They did it for their third birthday. It's really catchy. I've been listening to it on repeat for the last almost year. I can't get it out of my head.'

'It is really catchy.'

By the time it was eight we were dancing around the room singing every word to it.

'Pie gotta fly, pie gotta fly. Pie gotta fly, pie gotta fly. We love throwing pies with all you guys so Pie gotta fly, pie gotta fly.'

We turned it off and walked together to the music room when I noticed Lorna and Luci weren't there. We sat down on the tables like our teacher was doing by sitting on her desk.

'Hey girls. I'm Suzan Radcliffe. But I am Suzan to y'all. So who here signed up for the talent contest?' No one raised their hand. 'Oh girls. Where is Kristy?' I raised my hand. 'A little bird with the initials JT told me that you wanted to. Are you gonna?' 

'Yes and I must kill that little bird after this.'

'Ok well the list is here.' I walked up and signed my name on it. 'So today pair up write a short story and then make music to it.'

I paired up with Freya and got top marks about a pie that found love with whipped cream. Ironic. We left after the lesson finished and went and changed. Freya took me for a jog around the school boarders and we got to know each other more. It’s nice to have someone there for me. I just need to tell her about James and me.

'Hey you know our English teacher James?'


'Well he and I are kinda in a relationship.'

'WHAT?' Oh crap. 'You are sooooooooo lucky. He is really cute.' She kept going on about how good looking James is. Wow she is going to make a good friend.


A New friend and she is based on my good friend, Freya so this chapter is dedicated to her. And the video off to the side is of the song "Pie gotta fly" SO AMAZINGLY CATCHY!! By the way Three updates in one day. YOU ARE LUCKY BUNNIES!!

If you sneezed while reading this. Bless You.


(^ . ^)

( v v ) Happy Bunnies!!!!

Peace out.

Stormi XP

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